✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .

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The morning sun painted the city in warm hues as Peter and Ava found themselves still atop the rooftop. Their legs dangled off the ledge, a comfortable and familiar closeness between them. 

Ava's golden hair caught the sunlight as she playfully manipulated her powers, forming intricate patterns that shimmered like stardust. She looked radiant in the morning light, her face free of the domino mask, revealing the genuine smile that graced her lips.

Peter couldn't help but steal glances at her, his heart racing as he recalled the electricity of their kiss. The realization that the girl he had secretly admired for so long was now not just his crush, but also his fellow hero, was still sinking in.

Did you ever think we'd be here, looking out over the city together like this?" Peter's voice broke the tranquil silence between them.

Ava's lips curled into a soft smile. "Not in a million years. It's funny how life can surprise us."

Peter nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon as the sun continued its ascent. "Definitely. I mean, you were always cool, but now you're like... superhero cool."

Ava's laughter danced in the air, a melody of genuine amusement. "And you've been juggling school, and saving the city as Spider-Man. Pretty impressive, I must say."

He scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah, well, I've had some good inspiration."

Ava's gaze softened, and she turned to face him. "You know, even before all this superhero stuff, you were a good friend to me. Always there when I needed someone to talk to."

Peter met her gaze, his expression warm and sincere. "Same goes for you. You've been there for me too, even when I was just Peter Parker."

"You were never just Peter Parker to me..." She muttered, eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips.

Peter's heart skipped a beat at Ava's words, his breath catching as their eyes locked and the air between them seemed to crackle with a newfound tension. His voice was soft, almost a whisper, "And you were never just Ava Stark to me."

Ava's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and a hint of shyness. Her fingers toyed with a strand of her glowing hair, her gaze flickering back to his lips before she met his eyes again. "I guess we were both hiding more than one secret, huh?"

A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of Peter's mouth. "Seems that way."

Their unspoken understanding hung heavy in the air, the connection between them growing stronger with every passing moment. The morning sunlight seemed to dance around them, highlighting the emotions that had taken root beneath the surface of their friendship.

"You know," Ava began, her voice softer now, "I had always wondered what it would be like to kiss you."

Peter's heart raced, his cheeks warming with a mixture of anticipation and nerves. "Is that so?"

Ava's gaze dropped to his lips once again before lifting to meet his eyes. "Yeah. And now that I've actually kissed you, I can't help but wonder what else we might discover."

Peter's fingers brushed against hers, a gentle touch that sent a jolt of electricity through him. "There's only one way to find out."

Their faces drew closer, their lips mere inches apart. Time seemed to stand still as their breaths mingled, the world around them fading into insignificance. And then, with a flutter of anticipation, their lips met once more, the kiss a delicate exploration of shared emotions and unspoken desires.

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