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Two years had passed since the events that unfolded at Driftmark, and Vaella had grown into a young lady of eleven. The castle was abuzz with excitement as preparations for a joyous occasion were underway. Helaena, now thirteen, and Aegon, fourteen, were to be wed within the grand halls of the castle that day.

Vaella stood gazing out at the bustling courtyard before her. The sound of laughter and the clinking of silverware drifted through the air, carried by the gentle breeze. But amidst the celebration, a sense of loneliness crept into her heart.

She had grown close to Helaena over the past years, finding solace and companionship in her aunt's presence. They would explore the castle's hidden corners, sneak bugs into their gowns, and learn Valyrian together. But now, with Helaena's impending marriage, Vaella couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. She knew that their bond would change, and their time together would become limited.

As she watched the preparations unfold below, Vaella's thoughts drifted to her own mother. The past two years had been marked by a noticeable absence, as her mother had barely reached out to her. The letters had become infrequent, their words lacking the warmth and affection they once held. The ache in Vaella's heart grew deeper with each passing day, as she yearned for her.

She tried to understand the reasons behind her mother's distant behavior. Perhaps one of her brothers had become sick and she focused all her attention on them. Or what if Joffrey was just a handful. But despite her attempts to rationalize it, Vaella couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment and the longing for her mother's love.

Lost in her thoughts, Vaella's attention was drawn back to the festivities as the sound of music swelled, signaling the start of the ceremony. She hurriedly wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye, determined not to let her sadness overshadow this supposed joyous occasion.

As she made her way down to join the celebration, Vaella clung to the remnants of her childhood, hoping to preserve the memories of carefree days spent with Helaena. She knew that change was inevitable, and while she wished her aunt happiness in her new life, a part of her couldn't help but feel the sting of loss.

During the ceremony, Vaella stood by Aemond's side, her pale blue gown flowing gracefully around her. Her hair was intricately braided and adorned with delicate pearls, adding a touch of elegance to her youthful appearance. Aemond, only twelve, stood tall beside her, his presence commanding despite his young age.

As Vaella glanced at Aemond, she couldn't help but notice the changes in him over the past two years. His hair had grown longer, reaching his shoulders, and he now sported a black leather eyepatch, which added a mysterious air to his already intense gaze. He was dressed entirely in black, his attire mirroring the darkness that seemed to envelop him.

Their eyes briefly met, and Vaella caught a glimpse of the turmoil hidden behind Aemond's piercing gaze. It seemed as though he carried so much in him, his youthful innocence eclipsed by the weight of responsibilities and secrets. She couldn't help but wonder what trials he had endured in his self-imposed solitude.

The grand hall radiated with opulence, adorned with an array of vibrant flowers and magnificent tapestries that transformed the space into a realm of romance and enchantment. But as the ceremony unfolded, everyone could see discontent on the bride and groom's face. Helaena's face, normally filled with radiant joy, appeared stoic and distant, while Aegon wore a mask of boredom, his eyes betraying a sense of resignation.

Alicent watched the union with a heavy heart. She couldn't shake the guilt that weighed upon her, realizing that her decision to protect her children had ultimately led them down a similar path as her, a loveless marriage. She had thought she was making the right choice all those years ago, but now she grappled with the consequences of her actions, witnessing her children's disgusting forced union, knowing the sacrifices they were making for the sake of her delusions.

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Despite the somber tone that hung over the ceremony, the atmosphere at the grand hall transformed into a whirlwind of revelry and merriment. The nobles of the kingdom indulged themselves in an abundance of food, drink, and festivities, seeking solace in the diversion that the celebration offered.

Amongst the revelers, Aegon, the groom himself, chose to distance himself from the formalities of the head table. Instead, he immersed himself in the carefree revelry, eagerly joining the mirthful dance and raising his goblet high in toast after toast.

Aegon's laughter echoed through the hall as he spun and twirled with the women, his movements betraying a hint of recklessness and escapism. In each glass of wine, he sought temporary respite from the weight of duty and tradition that bound him, desperate to forget the impending union with his sister that loomed before him.

Alicent, Viserys, and Otto watched him in disgust, their disapproving gazes following his every move. They had hoped that the wedding ceremony would bring about a sense of duty, but Aegon's reckless actions only served to deepen their disappointment and concern.

Cole made repeated attempts to pull Aegon away from the women, urging him to show more decorum and respect for the occasion. However, despite Cole's efforts, Aegon managed to slip away time and time again.

Helaena sat at the table, her gaze fixed on her plate as she played with her food, detached from her brother's antics. The weight of the forced union and the strain of the day had taken their toll on her, leaving her with little energy to invest in the festivities. She found solace in her own mind, refusing to engage in the charade that surrounded her.

Vaella watched the doors intently, hoping to catch a glimpse of her mother and brothers entering the grand hall. Her heart yearned for their presence, longing for a connection that had been absent for far too long. Aemond, sitting by her side, noticed her longing gaze and spoke, his tone laced with coldness, "They aren't coming."

Vaella's gaze flickered from the doors to Aemond, her heart sinking at his words, "How are you sure?"

Aemond turned to Vaella, his voice devoid of warmth as he addressed her, "Your mother declined the invitation."

Vaella's eyes widened in disbelief. Why would her mother pass the chance to see her? Did she do something wrong? Tears welled up in Vaella's eyes, but she blinked them away, determined not to let them fall. She took a deep breath, gathering her composure, and turned her gaze back to the grand hall.

"I see," Vaella replied, her voice steady despite the emotional storm raging inside her. Aemond's gaze softened, a flicker of regret crossing his features.

Alicent, observing the exchange between Vaella and Aemond, sensed the tension and discomfort in the air. She decided they should not be here anymore, as it is late. Addressing Cole, who stood nearby, she made her request clear.

"Sir Cole, please escort the children to their chambers," Alicent instructed, her voice carrying a note of authority.

As a loyal servant of the family, he nodded in understanding. He approached kids, his demeanor gentle yet firm. "Come, my princess and prince" he said, extending a reassuring hand to each of them. "Let's retire to your chambers for the evening."

Vaella glanced at Aemond briefly. With a nod, she surprisedly placed her hand in Sir Cole's.

As they walked away, Vaella cast a final glance over her shoulder, the grand hall fading into the distance. She knew a night like this would happen to her one day. Naively, she hoped that her day she would feel love and happiness. 

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