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The morning sun cast a soft glow through the window, illuminating the room as Vaella sat before her vanity, lost in a sea of swirling thoughts. Her gaze met her own reflection in the mirror, her eyes searching for answers within herself.

Last night's events lingered in her mind, the disturbing scene of children forced to fight, the revelations about her family, and Aemond's warning echoing in her thoughts. She couldn't shake off the weight of the choices before her, the consequences that lay on either path.

Aligning herself with Alicent appeared to be the straightforward path. Despite their complicated history, Alicent had shown Vaella nothing but love and care. Their bond, though strained at times, held the essence of a mother and daughter relationship. Alicent had been there for her, providing guidance and support. It was a connection that couldn't be easily dismissed.

And yet, Vaella's heart ached for the mother who had brought her into the world. Rhaenyra, her birth mother, remained a blurry figure in her mind, elusive and distant. Vaella yearned to see traces of Rhaenyra's features in her own reflection, seeking a tangible connection that would bridge the gap between them.

Her eyes traced the contours of her face, seeking those elusive resemblances. But the details eluded her, leaving her with a sense of longing and confusion. Rhaenyra existed as a faded memory, a figure shrouded in mystery.

Vaella knew who she would align with when realizing the other side was just faded memories. It's hard for a soul as kind as Vaella's to want to choose a side. But based on what Aemond describes, once the King dies a war will break out. A war she has no chance of stopping.

The weight of her choices bore down on her, and tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks. In that moment, Vaella couldn't help but feel the weight of her own perceived inadequacy. If only she possessed the strength and courage of her ancestors, the indomitable spirit of Visenya Targaryen, perhaps she could have made a difference in the face of the impending war.

But the truth remained: she was not Visenya, and the future seemed dauntingly uncertain. The tears were not only born from sorrow, but also from a deep yearning for a power she felt she lacked.

As Vaella's tears cascaded down her cheeks, a soft knock on the door interrupted her moment of vulnerability. Startled, she quickly wiped away the evidence of her tears and composed herself, calling out, "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Alicent standing in the doorway. Her eyes flickered with recognition as she took in Vaella's tear-stained face. Without a word, Alicent stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

Alicent approached Vaella with a gentle grace, her hand reaching out to brush away a stray tear from Vaella's cheek. "My dear, what troubles you?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine compassion.

Vaella's heart swelled with conflicting emotions as she met Alicent's gaze. Here was the woman who had cared for her, who had been her guiding light. How could she ever want to not be by her side?

Vaella forced a smile, her voice quivering with suppressed emotions. "It's nothing."

Alicent's eyes softened, her hand lingering on Vaella's cheek, radiating warmth. "You don't have to face it alone, sweet girl," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm of motherly love

In the Embrace of Green FlameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin