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Vaella offered him a graceful nod, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Lord Borros," she replied, her words carrying a warmth and sincerity. "I am honored to be here and grateful for your invitation."

Lord Borros acknowledged her gratitude with a curt nod, his expression remaining guarded. The exchange held a hint of formality, a recognition of the delicate balance between their families' interests.

Vaella's attention shifted to the approaching Baratheon daughters, her eyes filled with curiosity. As Lord Borros introduced them, she remained attentive, keen on understanding each sister.

Cassandra, the eldest, approached with an air of confidence and a subtle smirk on her lips. Vaella extended a hand in greeting, and as their hands briefly touched, Cassandra's voice dripped with condescension. "So, you're the princess they brought in to fix us," she said.

Maris, with a flicker of jealousy in her eyes, stood a step behind Cassandra. Her gaze shifted between her sisters and Vaella, her expression revealing a hint of insecurity. Vaella's smile remained warm as she extended her hand to Maris. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Vaella said kindly, hoping to ease the tension. Maris, however, forced a polite smile and muttered a curt greeting, unable to conceal her envy.

Ellyn, the quiet and thoughtful sister, approached next. Her eyes held a glimmer of intelligence, and there was a serene aura about her. Vaella reached out her hand, and Ellyn's grip was firm but gentle. "I'm glad to make your acquaintance," Vaella said warmly. Ellyn's response was measured and soft-spoken, her words revealing a depth of intellect and contemplation. "Likewise," she replied.

Lastly, Floris, the youngest of the Baratheon sisters, skipped forward, her eyes wide with innocent curiosity. Vaella crouched down to meet her at eye level, a smile playing on her lips. "Hello there," Vaella greeted, extending her hand. Floris beamed, her voice filled with excitement and wonder. "You're a real princess! Can I touch your hair?"

Vaella chuckled at Floris's innocent enthusiasm, her warmth radiating as she nodded. "Of course," she replied, gently moving a strand of her hair for Floris to touch. The young girl's fingers brushed against the soft locks, and she squealed with delight. "It's so pretty and white!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Borros' commanding voice momentarily broke the moment, "Floris enough! We should be eating." The youngest Baratheon giggled mischievously at her father's stern tone, finding delight in the small act of rebellion. With a playful glint in her eyes, Floris reached out and grasped Vaella's hand, her small fingers intertwining with the princesses.

"Sit next to me!" Floris exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement and a touch of defiance.

Vaella's heart melted at Floris's endearing gesture, her own smile widening. She nodded in agreement, allowing herself to be guided by the young Baratheon. As they reached the seat Floris had claimed, "Look, everyone! Princess Vaella is sitting next to me!" Her announcement elicited laughter and playful remarks from her sisters.

Cassandra's confident demeanor remained unchanged as she leaned closer to Vaella, "So, Princess Vaella, tell us about your life in King's Landing. What is it like to live in the capital?"

With a smile, she began recounting stories of her upbringing, the bustling streets of King's Landing, and the intricate dynamics of court life.

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