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"All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, and her royal consort, Prince Daemon Targaryen." With those words, Rhaenyra stepped out of the carriage, cradling her stomach as she beheld her home for the first time in a decade. In her memories, the Red Keep had always appeared vibrant, but now, as she gazed upon it, an eerie atmosphere clung to the now unfamiliar walls.

Allun Caswell, who stood at the keep's entrance, welcomed the princess with an air of nervousness. He escorted Rhaenyra and Daemon inside and granted them some time alone to reacquaint themselves with their home.

Pausing her steps as she cast her eyes upon symbols of the Faith of the Seven, Rhaenyra couldn't help but remark, "I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognize it." Daemon simply hummed in response and continued walking ahead of her.

They made their way to the King's chambers. As they entered, their nostrils were assailed by a combination of rot and frankincense incense. Audible, labored breathing emanated from behind white, sheer curtains. Rhaenyra drew the curtains aside and called out to her father.

The sight was anything but easy to bear. The man who had once been plump and full of life now lay in bed, his face partially concealed by a wrap, his pallor blending into the white pillows. Viserys managed to whisper, "Who's there?"

"Father, it's me, my King. Rhaenyra," she said, moving closer to him and gently taking hold of his frail arm. "I'm here with Daemon." Viserys repeated Daemon's name in a gasp of surprise.

"Help me sit up," Viserys requested, his movements painfully slow and limited. "It's been so long."

Daemon, however, wasted no time in exchanging pleasantries with his ailing brother. Instead, his focus remained unwaveringly on the pressing matter of the succession of Driftmark. He demanded Viserys be there to help secure Lucerys's claim to the castle.

Viserys, disoriented and out of touch with the political developments during his seclusion, offered little to the conversation. Seeing that it was heading nowhere, Rhaenyra decided to introduce her father to her two new babies, Aegon and Viserys.

The sight of the infants brought great joy to the ailing man, but the surge of emotions proved too much for his fragile heart. As Viserys began to wail in pain, the babies, startled by his distress, cried out in fear. Viserys offered apologies as the room filled with an unsettling mix of emotions.

Rhaenyra and Daemon afforded Viserys some time alone to recover from the pain while they retreated to the sitting area within his chambers to discuss her father's ailment. They suspected that the Hightowers might be responsible for his condition, possibly poisoning him. Rhaenyra was on the verge of proposing that they summon a maester from Driftmark for his care when Alicent entered the room.

"Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon," she addressed them with courtly decorum as she approached. Her gaze couldn't help but be drawn to the scar on Rhaenyra's arm. "It has been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence"

Initially, Rhaenyra responded with a polite acknowledgment, but Daemon swiftly redirected the conversation by insinuating that Alicent and her father might be involved in the gradual decline of the king's health. Alicent calmly stated that she would set aside those accusations for tomorrow's judgment and recommended that Rhaenyra focus her efforts on locating her daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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