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When Vaella returned to Storm's End's castle, her heart was heavy with anticipation. She had hoped that Aemond would follow her, that he would realize the depth of her pain and seek to make amends. She longed for his apology, for a promise that he would cease his unpredictable behavior and treat her with the respect she deserved. But as she glanced over her shoulder, time and time again, there was no sign of him.

After bidding farewell to the Baratheons and their hospitality, Vaella made her way back to King's Landing, her mind consumed with thoughts of Aemond. The journey felt longer than it should, the weight of uncertainty tugging at her every step.

Upon reaching the grandeur of the Red Keep, Vaella's desperation intensified. She rushed inside, her heart pounding with a mix of hope and trepidation. Determined to find any trace of Aemond, she embarked on an exhaustive search, starting with his chambers.

Her steps quickened as she entered the familiar space, her eyes scanning every corner, every surface, in a desperate quest for a sign of his presence. But the room remained eerily silent, devoid of his belongings and the warmth of his essence. It felt like a hollow shell, amplifying the emptiness within her.

Undeterred by disappointment, Vaella pressed on, her determination unyielding. She scoured every nook and cranny of the Red Keep, her search extending even to the dungeons, where shadows danced and secrets whispered. But each dark corridor yielded no answers, only a haunting stillness that mirrored her own solitude.

She left her chambers as the last place to look. Feeling defeated, Vaella stood at the threshold of her own chambers, her heart heavy sadness. The realization sank in that Aemond was nowhere to be found, and her hopes of anything seemed to dissipate like a wisp of smoke.

The silence in the room was deafening, the absence of Aemond's presence weighing heavily on her. She yearned for his touch, his voice, and his apologies, but all she found was a hollow emptiness. It was a painful realization, one that forced her to confront the reality that he had truly left her behind.

Alicent came from behind Vaella, her eyes filled with concern and understanding. She could see the weight of sadness that burdened her daughter's shoulders. With a gentle touch, she reached out and clasped Vaella's trembling hands in her own.

Feeling Alicent's touch, Vaella turned around and collapsed into her arms, her body shaking with sobs that seemed to emanate from the depths of her soul. The floodgates of her emotions had burst open, releasing all the pain, heartache, and disappointment she had been holding within.

Alicent held her tightly, providing a comforting anchor in the midst of her storm. She let Vaella cry, her own heart aching for the young woman before her, as she gently stroked her hair and whispered soothing words of comfort.

Vaella's tears may have been caused by Aemond, but he was not the sole reason. Through her tears she cried out to Alicent, pleading for answers to the questions she had been asking herself since childhood; why did everyone have to leave her? What had she done wrong? She ached for a response from the gods above, yearning desperately for some sort of explanation. But as so often happens, no answer ever came.

As Vaella's tears flowed unabated, Alicent's touch became a tender caress, her fingers gently tracing the contours of Vaella's hair. Each stroke carried a soothing rhythm, a melody of comfort that whispered through the strands. Her voice, a gentle murmur, wove its way through the tears, offering solace and reassurance in the midst of Vaella's despair.

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