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Despite recent events with Aemond, Vaella's spirits were still filled with joy, as she gracefully strolled through the magnificent halls of the Red Keep. Sunlight streamed through the grand windows, casting a warm golden glow that danced along the polished marble floors, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of light and shadow.

The intricately woven tapestries adorning the walls depicted ancient battles and noble houses, their vibrant hues captivating Vaella's gaze as she meandered along. The air was suffused with the delicate fragrance of burning incense, lending an otherworldly ambiance.

As she made her way towards her aunt Helaena's quarters, her excitement swelled within her. It had been far too long since she last laid eyes upon her aunt's radiant smile and the innocent faces of her precious nieces and nephews.

Vaella's steps faltered as she caught the distant echoes of raised familiar voices. Curiosity tugged at her, drawing her attention away from her intended destination. She followed the sound, the urgency of the situation pulling her towards the room where the commotion emanated from.

Through the narrow crack in the door, Vaella cautiously peered inside, her eyes widening at the sight that unfolded before her. There stood Alicent, her regal presence tinged with frustration and authority, engaged in a tense confrontation with Aegon's groggy companion. Alicent's words carried a weight of disappointment as she implored, "For once, Aegon, can I find you sober and in the company of your wife?"

Aegon's response came with a burst of laughter, a defiance in his eyes as he faced his mother head-on. "I am a prince. It matters little what desires I choose to indulge in, Mother."

The room fell into a heavy silence as Alicent's hand met Aegon's cheek with a resounding slap. The sharp sound reverberated through the air, causing Vaella's eyes to widen in shock. Alicent's action was unexpected, a stark departure from the love and affection she had always shown towards Vaella and Helaena. Aegon staggered back, his hand instinctively reaching for his reddened cheek, his defiant expression replaced by stunned disbelief.

Disgust filled Alicent's voice as she uttered the words, "You bring shame to this family."

Aegon, still recovering from the impact, whispered with a mixture of pain and sincerity, his hand lingering on his cheek, "I... I try, Mother... I try for you."

"You need to try harder, for as long as you draw breath, you remain a perpetual threat to Rhaenyra–" Alicent's words hung in the air, yet before Vaella could grasp their full weight, rough hands seized her, wrenching her forcibly from the scene unfolding behind the door. The strength of the grip jolted her, her eyes locking with the person who held her captive.

A mad look casted upon Vaella's face as she met their gaze. "Why is it that you're everywhere I am?"

Aemond, locking his gaze with hers, squinted his eye to her, "It's improper of a princess to eavesdrop on private matters."

Her eyes flickered downward, fixating on her arm where Aemond's grip still clenched tight. In one swift motion, she snatched her arm away from him, "Alicent was about to say something about my mother."

A wicked smile curled upon Aemond's lips as he responded with a cutting remark, his words dripping with bitter truth. "Your mother? The one who abandoned you."

The words struck Vaella like an arrow to the heart, a painful reminder of the absence she had felt throughout her life. But she would not let it weaken her resolve. Straightening her posture, determination burning in her eyes. "She left me upon the King's orders. Your fathers orders!"

Aemond's smirk only grew wider as he countered, "That may be true, but tell me, why has she not bothered to pay you a visit? Is your existence truly so insignificant to her?"

A surge of frustration mingled with her anger. "Why must you be so cruel? What have I done to earn your hate, my betrothed?"

Aemond's gaze hardened, his voice dripping with disdain. "Your naivety vexes me. You cling to dreams and ideals fit for children, oblivious to the harsh realities of this world."

Vaella's voice cut through the air, "Do you forget? I am still a child as you are too."

Before Aemond could respond, Alicent's presence loomed over them, her voice commanding attention. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The princess was feeling uncomfortable because I was enlightening her about the realities of childbirth," Aemond retorted, shifting his gaze towards the queen. "Perhaps you should accompany her to visit Helaena, so you can share your own experiences of motherhood."

Alicent smiled, grabbing Aemond by the face to give him a peck on the cheek, "A wonderful idea!" Vaella was about to protest, but then Alicent grabbed her arm, "Let us go my dear. You have so much to learn," she said eagerly while turning away from the prince.

Vaella, feeling a surge of annoyance, couldn't resist the urge to display her frustration. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at Aemond, a silent act of defiance in response to his smirking face, lies, and cruel words from before.

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