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The sun's rays bathed King's Landing in a warm, golden glow, casting a vibrant tapestry of light and shadow upon the city's streets. From the expansive balcony of the Red Keep, Otto's sharp eyes followed Vaella's ascent into the cerulean sky. As the dragon soared higher and higher, their figures melded with the ethereal canvas of clouds, transforming into a distant silhouette that seemed to dance with the very heavens.

A small, self-satisfied smirk played at the corners of Otto's lips, a carefully concealed expression of satisfaction. Behind the facade of the influential Hand of the King, his true nature shone through-a cunning and manipulative mind that reveled in the intricacies of power play. While others marveled at the sight of a princess riding on the back of a majestic dragon, Otto's gaze was fixed firmly on the possibilities that lay before him-the opportunity to shape the currents of influence to his own advantage.

Amidst the watchful eyes that observed Vaella's departure, there was one gaze that held a different sentiment.

In the depths of the King's chambers, Alicent stood silently as she observed Vaella and her dragon vanish into the southern horizon. A gnawing unease settled within her, tugging at her heartstrings. Her eyes narrowed with concern as she took note of the securely fastened bags adorning Pyrothor's formidable frame. It was clear to Alicent that Vaella had been given instructions, and it certainly wasn't with her knowledge or consent.

Alicent's grip tightened around the edge of the ornate wooden table, her knuckles paling under the strain. A flicker of realization swept across Alicent's features as the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. The timing, the secrecy-it could only be the handiwork of Otto.

Without another thought, Alicent stormed out of the chambers, her regal bearing casting an air of authority as she traversed the corridors of the Red Keep. The fabric of her gown rustled with every purposeful step, echoing her resolve to unveil the truth and protect her daughter from Otto.

The clamor of bustling activity in the castle provided a backdrop to her relentless pursuit. She maneuvered through the maze of hallways, guided by a mixture of fury and maternal instinct, until she reached Otto's private quarters. Without hesitation, she pushed open the door, revealing a room adorned with opulent furnishings and the trappings of power.

There, seated behind a grand desk, Otto appeared unperturbed, a veneer of composed authority masking the storm that brewed within Alicent's heart. He looked up, surprise flickering across his features, swiftly replaced by a well-practiced mask of calm. His eyes met Alicent's with a mix of curiosity and subtle amusement.

"Alicent," he greeted her, his voice smooth and measured. "To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Alicent's voice crackled with restrained anger as she confronted him, her words infused with a steely resolve. "Where did you send my daughter off to?" Her eyes bore into his, demanding an answer that she knew he had kept hidden.

Otto held his composure, his gaze unwavering as he reclined in his chair. "Helaena? I believe she is likely in her chambers at this hour."

Alicent's fury blazed within her, her composure barely containing the seething anger that threatened to consume her. She advanced further into the room, closing the distance between them with measured steps. "Do not toy with me, father," she hissed, her voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and betrayal. "You know exactly who I am referring to. Vaella."

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