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The raindrops continued their melancholic dance against the windowpane, their delicate rhythm punctuating the silence of Vaella's chambers. The room, adorned in shades of silver and green, seemed to exhale an air of mystical enchantment. Unbeknownst to Vaella, her eyes remained fixated on Alys, oblivious to the absence of Aemond. Alys, however, felt a flicker of surprise at Aemond's conspicuous absence, a deviation from the carefully orchestrated scenario she had envisioned.

Alys's gaze swept across the chamber, her eyes alight with an enigmatic brilliance. They lingered momentarily on the disheveled bed. Without a word, Alys approached the bed, her hands gliding gracefully over the crumpled sheets, smoothing them with an almost supernatural precision. Each motion carried an air of purpose, as if she were breathing life into the dormant fabric.

Vaella stood rooted in place, a mere mortal caught in the throes of a captivating spell. Her gaze, a reflection of moonlit longing, remained locked on Alys, oblivious to the world around her. There was an inexplicable draw to Alys, an irresistible force that beckoned Vaella closer, despite the underlying danger. Like a rabbit entranced by the hypnotic sway of a serpent, she found herself irresistibly drawn to Alys, captivated by the enigma that surrounded her.

As Alys's hands moved in a seamless choreography, coaxing the crumpled sheets back into place, she couldn't help but notice the dazed expression etched upon Vaella's face. A flicker of amusement danced in Alys's eyes, her lips curling into a subtle smile as she observed the princess lost in the depths of her enchantment.

Alys approached Vaella, her steps barely making a sound on the chamber's polished floors. She stopped mere inches away from her, their breaths entwining like whispers of ancient incantations. Her voice, soft and melodious, pierced the silence like the call of a distant siren.

"My Lady," Alys murmured, her words a delicate thread that seemed to weave itself through the air, "you seem to be out of it. Allow me to bring you tea for your troubled mind."

Vaella's eyes flickered, slowly emerging from the trance-like state that had held her captive. She blinked, her focus shifting to Alys's face, the lines of her features etched with both mystery and intrigue. A sense of vulnerability washed over Vaella as she realized the depth of her captivation.

Vaella, still lost in her hazy state, nodded in agreement to the offer of tea. She sank down onto her bed, her mind consumed by the ethereal presence of Alys. With a graceful yet swift movement, Alys left the chamber, a sense of urgency driving her steps. She navigated the corridors with practiced ease, swiftly retrieving the tea.

Returning to Vaella's chambers, Alys held the steaming cup in her hands, its aroma carrying hints of herbs and spices. She approached the entranced princess, her every movement calculated and precise. Carefully, she offered the cup to Vaella, her voice laced with a soothing melody.

"Drink this, my Lady," Alys whispered, her voice a gentle caress.

Vaella, too entranced to question, took the cup from Alys's hands, her fingers brushing against the delicate porcelain. She brought the tea to her lips and sipped, unaware of the subtle potion concealed within its depths.

The effects were swift and potent. As Vaella's eyelids grew heavy, she succumbed to the soothing embrace of sleep, her consciousness slipping away like a wisp of smoke. Alys watched with satisfaction.

In the Embrace of Green FlameWhere stories live. Discover now