chapter two

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002first cut is the deepestseason one, episode two !

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first cut is the deepest
season one, episode two !

"Marn!" A still quite sleepy Jacob bellowed through his apartment, the ringing of his alarm clock that he just turned of still loud in his ears. He trudged his way into the living room and pulled open the curtains, the slither of bright morning sun causing his sister to groan. "C'mon, get up, it's a beautiful day and we got work."

"Y'know what else is beautiful?" Marnie pulled the blanket down from her eyes and sat up on the couch, glaring at her brother, "Sleep."

Jake replied with a mocking smirk, handing her a cup of hot coffee in a 'world's best sister' mug.

"You're so cheerful in the mornings. No wonder you work in Peds." Marnie told him, taking a sip of her drink.

"Thank you?" He wavered, unsure as to whether she was insulting him or paying him a compliment.

Once Marnie had consumed more cups of coffee than a surgical intern probably should at 5:00 in the morning, she went to work and made her way into the locker room, where her fellow interns were getting changed ready for their next shift. George and Izzie stopped their conversation when they saw her, smiling and greeting the blonde.

"Are you okay, Marn?" George asked, noticing the girls' slightly hunched posture, "You're walking kinda... weird." He decided not to tell her she looked like she'd been railed, because frankly, that was none of his business, and he didn't want to lose a friend he only just made.

"I've been sleeping on my brother's couch for a month." Marnie told him, wincing slightly as she took off her bag and shoved it in her locker, "My back is killing me."

"That's perfect!" Izzie gasped, prompting the other two to share a confused look, before turning to face her again. "Meredith is looking for roommates and she's got three spare rooms. None of us have anywhere to live, we should ask her."

Marnie pursed her lips, not entirely convinced by the idea. "Do you really think she'd agree to that? I mean, we work together all day every day, it'd be a lot to live together, too."

"It's a great idea." George nodded, taking a bite of his apple, "She'll love it."

Marnie nodded her head. She still wasn't sure about it, but she knew how persuasive George and Izzie could be, so she kept her mouth shut. Letting out a low whimper as she lifted up her arms, she carelessly tugged off her sweater, replacing it with her blue scrubs.

With a small slam of her locker, she followed her friends out of the room and into the hall, smiling as Meredith approached, clipboard in hand. "Hey, how'd it go?" Izzie asked immediately, referencing her roommate search.

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