chapter thirty one

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031blues for sister someoneseason two, episode twenty three !

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blues for sister someone
season two, episode twenty three !

Marnie didn't deal well with stress. She was terrible with it, in fact. Stress made her jumpy, nervous, and often caused her to break out into heavy sweats. When she was 11, she accidentally smashed a photo frame and hid it under her bed so no one would find out. The guilt ate her up for weeks. So much so that her mother thought she had hyperhidrosis.

Now, at 26, she found herself in a similar position. Except, instead of breaking a picture frame, she'd been caught kissing a half naked Alex Karev in an on call room.

The walk from the car into the hospital was awkward to say the least, neither her or Meredith uttering a word. Thankfully, the dirty blonde headed straight to the locker room, leaving Marnie on her own, letting out a breath as she spotted the Karev man at the nurses station.

"What did she say?" He was quick to ask when he noticed her running over.

"Nothing. But that's only because I hid in my room." Marnie panted, leaning up against the desk. "Is it hot in here? I'm really hot." She breathed, fanning herself with her hand.

Alex couldn't help but breath out a laugh at the blonde's panicked demeanour, though he, himself, was strangely calm. "Okay, calm down, it's, like, 4 degrees outside. What're you freaking out for, anyway, I thought you wanted people to find out."

"Not like that!" She shrieked, lowering her tone when she realised how loud she was being. "And why aren't you freaking out? You're the one who wanted to keep it a secret."

"It's Mer. She won't tell anyone." He shrugged.

But Marnie wasn't entirely convinced, her anxiety, her burning temperature, and his overly calm tone frankly beginning to freak her out.

"Maybe one of us should talk to her." She supposed, a small gasp escaping her, "One of us should definitely talk to her."

The brunette raised a brow, putting down his ballpoint pen and gently resting both of his hands on the blondes shoulders. "Okay, you need to chill. Like, literally, 'cause you're all sweaty and it's gross. And don't worry about Meredith, I'll deal with it."

"You will?" She gasped, her brows knitting together in surprise like a cartoon character.

Just as Alex nodded his head, a small simper playing on his lips, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd came marching over, and she did not look in a good mood. "Dr. Walker, I need you. Are you free?"

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