chapter thirteen

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013deny, deny, denyseason two, episode four !

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deny, deny, deny
season two, episode four !

"Patient is Kalpana Vera, she presents with multiple syncopal episodes and ventricular arrhythmias." Izzie read out, as Dr. Bailey and her fellow interns stood in Miss Vera's room, on their first round of the day.

"So you've been passing out?" Bailey asked, looking at the patient.

"Yeah." She nodded, smiling. "And having palpitations."

Izzie took another look at the woman's notes. "Past medical history of rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve stenosis."

Dr. Bailey watched the patient carefully as she spoke. "They had to ship me from Zambia to the States for three months of treatment when I was 8. Rheumatic fever almost killed me."

The resident nodded, turning her gaze away. "Dr. Stevens, what are the primary causes of ventricular arrhythmias?"

"Valvular disease, mitral valve prolapse, stimulants, drugs and metabolic abnormalities." The entire room turned around in unison, staring at Cristina with wide eyes as she stood in the doorway in her gown with an IV attached to her arm, and a huge smile on her face. It quickly faded when she saw the way they were all looking at her, "What?"

"Out." Her resident ordered.

"I'm fine."

"Out." She repeated, "You better be in your room by the time we round on you."

"And when will that be?" The woman groaned.

Bailey raised her brow. "In 15 seconds. 14... 13... 12... 11..."

The group of interns failed to stifle their laughter as Cristina turned around to leave the room, giving them a full view of her hot pink underwear through the back of her gown.

"Nice panties, Yang." Alex remarked with a smirk.

She immediately covered up, turning around to face him with her eyes narrowed. "In your dreams, Evil Spawn!" She spat.

Once they'd rounded on Miss Vera, the interns headed to Cristina's room, after leaving her a considerable amount of time to get there. "Cristina Yang. Post op, day three, from a unilateral salpingectomy—"

"And ready to get back to work." A oddly eager Cristina added from her bed.

Her mother, who was sat, reading a book in the corner of the room, poked her head around at her daughters comment. "Is she?"

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