chapter twenty one

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021grandma got run over by a reindeer season two, episode twelve !

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grandma got run over by a reindeer
season two, episode twelve !

"It looks like Santa threw up in here." An unusually tired looking George whispered to Meredith as the pair of them stood in the hall, goggling at the festive state of the living room.

It was Christmas Eve and Meredith was still yet to decorate, or even acknowledge the holiday for that matter, so, her roommates took it upon themselves to spread some Christmas spirit.

"Just... go with it." The Grey woman whispered back, shrugging her shoulders. "We're being supportive."

"Oh, hey!" Izzie gasped, coming out from behind the overly large Christmas tree when she heard their voices.

Behind her, Marnie appeared carrying an extra box of decorations. "Isn't it great? It's not quite finished yet..." She beamed, but it was quick to fade when she noticed their slightly terrified expressions. "Oh god. Did we go overboard?"

The Stevens woman's face faltered. "Oh, I know. I know sometimes I can go a little overboard."

"No!" The brunette quickly shook his head, so fast, in fact that he almost gave himself whiplash.

"No, it's great!"  Meredith nodded.

"We love it!"

"Yay!" The two blonde's simultaneously grinned, turning to face one another. "I love Christmas." Marnie said, as Izzie nodded in agreement.


"Look at her belly," The O'Malley man whispered towards his friends as the six of them followed their heavily pregnant resident down the hall for morning rounds. "She's almost as wide as she is tall."

Meredith furrowed her brow, titling her head to the side as she watched Dr. Bailey. "Are her ankles swollen? Is that why she's waddling?"

"Careful," Marnie shushed them, "She might hear you."

"What's gonna happen to us when she goes on leave?" Izzie asked.

The shorter blonde shrugged her shoulders, "Is she even going on leave? I mean, it's Bailey."

"What do you think happens when people push babies out of their vaginas?" Meredith asked, causing George to snicker.

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