chapter three

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003winning a battle, losing the warseason one, episode three !

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winning a battle, losing the war
season one, episode three !

"George and Marnie's rooms are bigger than mine!" Was the first thing Marnie heard that morning, waking her up from her slumber. After a lot of gentle persuasion, Meredith finally let her, George, and Izzie move in with her. Marnie was grateful for the first good nights sleep she'd had in months, however what she wasn't grateful for was the arguments that would wake her up an hour before her alarm.

She pushed herself out of bed, leaning up against the doorframe, trying to see what all the shouting was about.

"I have more clothes than both of them put together, I should have the bigger room!" Izzie bargained, following Meredith down the landing.

"I got here first!" George argued, making his way out of his room.

"Neither of you are having my room, that's the comfiest bed I've ever slept in." Marnie yawned, using the fact they were distracted to her advantage, and getting into the bathroom first.

On the other side of the bathroom door, though, the conflict continued. "It's Meredith's house - she should decide." Izzie shouted, both her and George chasing after the owner of the house.

"My room is, like, 2 inches bigger than yours!" The man scoffed.

"You have a bigger closet!"

"Why is everything a competition?!"

"Everywhere else is filled with Meredith's mom's boxes."

"Meredith?" George tilted his head to the side, "When's your mom coming back to town, anyway? 'Cause maybe we could put her boxes in storage?"

"Or unpack a few things, make this place more homey?" Izzie suggested, "Some throw pillows, some lamps, a few paintings—"

"Ooh, paintings would be nice." George cooed.

Meredith, two seconds away from screaming, headed straight for the bathroom, slamming the door in their faces and immediately slumping against the other side with a sigh. Marnie turned around at the sound, but not before she spat out her toothpaste. "You okay?" She asked, wiping the excess off of her lips with a flannel.

"I am now." Her friend exhaled, letting her eyes fall shut.

After a rather eventful morning, the interns picked up coffee and made their way to work, and Marnie grinned when she saw their resident on the sidewalk, "Morning, Dr. Bailey."

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