chapter eighteen

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018thanks for the memoriesseason two, episode nine !

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thanks for the memories
season two, episode nine !

"Marn?" Izzie frowned, clutching a frozen turkey as the Walker woman froze in her tracks, slowly turning around to face her with a wide eyed expression. "Where are you going?"

Marnie swallowed the nervous lump in her throat, desperately trying to conjure up an excuse. "To answer the door..."

Izzie narrowed her eyes, looking past the blonde and over to the empty doorstep. "There's no one at the door." Just then, Meredith came creeping down the stairs, stopping the second she saw Marnie talking to Izzie. "Oh my god," Her brows raised is realisation, "Are you two going to the hospital?"

The two women turned to face one another, before the blonde spoke up. "Yes. But only for a couple hours, I swear!"

"Marnie!" The Stevens woman shouted, making both her and Meredith jump. "Everyone is supposed to be in the kitchen by 9am to help make dinner. It's Thanksgiving!"

"It's half 6." Marnie bargained, peering down at her watch, "We'll be back in time."

Before Izzie could shout at them again, the doorbell rang. Meredith and Marnie both ran for the front door, as the dirty blonde pushed the latter out of the way. She opened it up, staring blankly at the three men on the other side. "Hi?"

"Is where Georgie lives?" The older man asked, smiling at the women.


"He's upstairs in his room." Marnie smiled politely, pointing at the staircase.

Without warning, the three men pushed past the women, charging through the door and up the stairs. "O'Malley! O'Malley! O'Malley!" They chanted.

Marnie, perplexed, watched them until they disappeared upstairs, before turning back to her friends. "Okay, who were they and why are they kidnapping George?"

"Should we call the police?" Izzie asked.

When Marnie and Meredith got to work they headed straight to locker room to get changed into their scrubs, only to find out that they were the only two interns who hadn't taken the day off.

Dr. Bailey entered soon entered the room, approaching the women who were both tying their shoelaces. "We're working with a temp attending today. Dr. Kent, he's subbing from Mercy West. We need to get him oriented. And thank you for volunteering to come in, you saved me from having to choose some interns to torture."

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