Chapter One: MOST WANTED

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(This dude is everything that "Taylor Swift" mentions in her songs. A popular kid who every girl wanted. And of course I was one of them girls too *accepts unhesitatingly*. )

Shrinkhal was in his final year of high school and I was this junior girl crushing over an out of league guy. I told my friends about him *spilling the tea* and to my surprise, they already knew it *TF?!* They told me , " You think you're that good at hiding your feelings. Everyone knows how you look at him *with luv ofc* ." That surprised me and made me cringe a little ngl. On the other hand, I was relieved that I didn't have to explain anything to them.

One fine evening, I decided to DM him and yes we had a long ass conversation. I thought of confessing to him but then again it was too soon to do so cause we just started talking. But still, I got to know alot about him in a short period of time.

What I look for in a guy is exactly what I found in Shrinkhal. The dark humor, the cute ass *pause* smile *hehe*, a weeb with a lil kick of emo personality, has tattoos and piercings *miss them*, watches dramas, loves paranormal , dances sometimes, sings for you, plays guitar and holy shit what not?!!! I wanted this boy by hook or by crook. But since every freaking girl wanted him, I wasn't sure about him liking an average girl like me. But on the brighter side, I too like humour, love paranormal, watch anime and also dance. So that made me pretty confident about myself. I decided to approach and ask him straight forward..."6 pm! with pizza, Anime, at my place ok?" *throws my phone out of the window*

Note: chapter two is in the process... Till then imagine yourself *girls only* in this situation and smile.

Shrinkhal : An ideal boyfriend 💗Where stories live. Discover now