Chapter Five: CONFESSION

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(I was thinking about this all day long. I couldn't process my mind. Also, I am very indecisive. So I had to think about it a lot.)

I reached home and grabbed my phone to text him. Then, I realised that I haven't replied to his morning text yet. *Shit*

*ting*, my phone rang. It was a text from Shrinkhal. *wtf* It said "reached home yet?". I needed a moment to comprehend this feeling I was going through rn. He said he wants to grab some tea and pakodas with me cause it was raining a bit. What could be a better combo than tea and pakodas right? I immediately agreed and decided to meet. We both went to a tea stall near our school. We talked a lot about our likes and dislikes. He told me creepy stories and wanted to freak me out but couldn't. *smirk* He knew that I was liking his stories so he kept adding more *that's shrinkhal for you* *wink*.

It was getting dark so we decided to take a walk back home. He was cracking jokes and puns. I was laughing hysterically *they were funny*. Then I asked him what he thinks about relationships and commitments. He told me he wasn't ready for a fully committed relationship but if he finds the right one, he would try his best. "ugh, i have no chance then?" , I thought to myself. *sad*

Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand. *yes you read that right* I gathered courage and asked him what he thinks about me. He replied he likes me. I was shivering fr. "How could you, the popular kid in high school like an average looking girl like me? ", I questioned him. He replied, " Idk there's sth different about you. I can be myself when I'm with you and you're not even controlling. That's why I like you".

*My heart is beating 200 times a min at this point.*
*Might lose my mind sooner or later*

Note: Next chapter is where the things take an actual turn. Stick with me<3 And yet again, imagine yourself (girls only) in this situation and smile.

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