S2 Chapter Seven: THE NEWS

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(The embarrassment I felt *istg*, I wasn't in the state to face Shrinkhal fr. Still I asked him where her(that girl's) boyfriend is.)

Shrinkhal answered,"Her boyfriend is currently in another state and she will be moving in with her boyfriend very soon. So until then she will stay with me. Don't worry she has her separate bedroom." I was so relieved after hearing this. Thank God my boyfriend won't fall in someone else's hand. Firstly, I apologised for doubting them then I don't know, somehow, me and her, we instantly vibed.
Have you ever experienced sth like this? When you first see someone you think she's a mean bitch but then you get to know her and you both vibe a lot? *lmk in the comments*

So yeah we gossiped a lot. And now Shrinkhal was worried that he won't get enough attention from me since I found a new friend lmao. On the other hand he was happy that me and that girl could become friends.

I told Shrinkhal that I have a surprise for him. He was eager to know it. I was thinking if I should tell him little by little and build the suspense or just drop the bomb. Yeah I dropped the nuclear bomb.
(A little background) Remember the interview I told yall about? It was from one of the top universities in the world. And guess where it is....You might've guessed. It is where Shrinkhal is. I mean not in his neighbourhood but yah it's in the same country and same state.

I hadn't told him anything about this interview and shit. I asked, "You know this university(any name)right? What's your thought on me joining this uni? You think I can do it?". First of all, he was confused. He replied, "wait what? Why are you talking about that university all of a sudden. You know the acceptance rate is less than 4% right? "

*I'll drop the bomb in next chapter although you guys must have already guessed it* UGH Am I that predictable? *sad*

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