5 - Beautiful Liar

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When I finally arrived back in the building, Cyra appeared in front of me. "Seriously, Jane? Going to a party without me?"

By now half of my body was limp and sticking onto my clothes from all the blood. "No." I gasped for some more air, feeling like I could faint any second. "I just gotta.. bathroom." I managed to say before rushing away, but Cyra followed.

"What's that smell, Jane?" She asked. "Where have you been and- HOLY SHIT IS THAT B-."

I slammed my hand on her mouth. "Shh!"

"What the hell, Jane!" She whisper-screamed, wrapping an arm around me and helping me toward the bathroom. "What did you do?"

"It's nothing." I breathed and slid down to the ground, leaning against the wall as sweat damped my face.

"Alright, uhm.." I could see Cyra was panicking by the way she moved around. "Lift your shirt!"

With shaking hands, I lifted my shirt. Cyra bent closer to me and stared at my side.

"Jane, you got some good and hot muscles on your stomach, holy." She commented.

"Seriously?" I threw my head back.

"It's true, but.. maybe I should hurry," Cyra muttered. "Stay here!" Then she rushed away.

"Wasn't planning on going anywhere." I breathed and tried to lift my body, but immediately stopped when I heard a knock on the door.

"Jane, you in there?" I recognized Newt's voice.

I cursed under my breath before replying. "Yeah?"

"Why's there blood on the floor?" He impatiently questioned, the worry clearly hearable.

"I- uhm- I." I stammered, feeling my face heat up. "I'm on my period!"

"You're what?" Newt questioned loudly.

"Ladies' day," I added, hoping Newt would remember something about Minho mentioning that in the Glade.

"Aah, alright.. uh, do you need help?"

"What're you gonna do then?" I sighed. "Help me put a tampon in?"

"I have no idea what you meant by that," Newt admitted. "I'll leave then."

Not even a second later, Cyra rushed in again, hands full with bandages and more.

"Hey!" I whisper-yelled when she cut my shirt open.

"It's necessary," Cyra explained, then stopped everything she was doing and stared at me. Or chest, rather.

I cleared my throat lightly, not that it bothered me that much, but I didn't want to bleed to death just because we wasted time.

Cyra blushed and looked away. "God, I really am gay."

"You are?" I asked with heavy breaths, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Yep." She replied simply.

"Ah." I nodded. "Good to know."

"Indeed." Cyra wet a cloth and pressed it down on the wound, causing me to let out a yelp.

"Be quiet or Rye will use his dirty mind," Cyra ordered sternly, dabbing some left trials of blood away.

I chuckled through my gaps for air, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Okay, Jane.." Cyra started with a sigh. "This will hurt like hell and I'm not a professional." She held up a needle and string.

"Oh, god no." I moaned before Cyra started stitching, the tip of her tongue sticking out.

"Stay awake or I will personally slap you awake." She commanded when my eyelids got heavier too. I just nodded. "And what happened?"

"Does it really.. matter?" I panted. And god, everything hurt. Not just the needle, but the stinging pain of the knife. How long would it take to heal?

"Not to me." Cyra shrugged. "But you'll get Thomased by Thomas and Newt."

I shook my head heavily. "Don't.. ow.. tell them."

Cyra sighed. "Whatever you say, Jane. But don't blame anything on me!"

"I won't," I assured, then winced again. The feeling of the needle going through my skin was horrible. "Are you almost done?"



When I felt something tickle on my ear, I tossed around with my arm.

"Ow!" They yelled out, jumping away from me.

I opened my eyes and recognized Newt's tall figure right away. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Drooling on my ear like a shuck dog?" I whisper-screamed.

"I wasn't drooling on your ear!" Newt threw his hands in the air. "Now get breakfast!"

I sighed and tried to climb out of my hammock, but my side hurt like hell, so I groaned and lay back down.

Newt stared at me for a few seconds. "Need some help?"

I shrugged and before I even got the chance to reply, Newt put his large hands on my waist and lifted me out of the hammock, causing me to get butterflies everywhere.

"Thank y-." Once Newt let go, I lost my balance and fell to the ground, my side hurting even worse.
I quickly put a thumb up. "I'm okay!"

Newt chuckled. "Does this take part of the period?"

I quickly nodded, lying, of course. "Yep." I put my hands on my lower stomach. "Ow!" I cried fake and motioned at my stomach, which might've not been the best idea.

Instead of walking away, Newt ordered me to lie down, which I did.

"Newt, I don't think that's necessary-." But before I got to finish, Newt lay down next to me. I cringed deeply. "We're in a hammock. We're gonna fall."

And so we did. The hammock twisted around and we fell, both letting out a yelp before Newt landed on top of me, faces inches away.

I gasped quietly as I felt his breathing on my face, which was turning red. Newt stared me right in the eyes, not in a scary way, though, and I just looked back.


"Kiddo!" Someone roughly pulled Newt off me. "What do you think you're doing, hmm?" Jorge raised his eyebrows.

As the two bickered, I tried to get off the ground, which was pretty hard with my side like that. I groaned and pushed my arms up, legs following.

"Sorry." I winced when I took Newt's shoulders to keep balance.

He glanced at me. "Is it that bad?"

Jorge crossed his arms sternly.
"What did you do to her that she can't walk, Newt?"

If I was drinking water, I would've choked as my cheeks grew red.
"What?" Newt's whole face turned bright red.

"Don't act so innocent, young man!" Jorge turned to me. "What'd he do?"

I grinned. "Do you want all the details?"

Jorge sighed loudly. "No, thanks, mi hija. I'm not buying you a pregn-."

"We didn't shuck." Newt interrupted, face still red as a tomato. "So you won't have to buy anything."

"Why can't she walk then?"

"Ask Rye!" Cyra shouted.

I palmed my face in shame. "I didn't do anything with anyone."

"You-." Newt started, eyes twinkling, but I shushed him immediately and shook my head.

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