15 - Don't Blame Me

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A/N: Tbh, I hate how Jane is/has been playing with their feelings but it's my own fault since I'm the writer 😭

Sorry if there are grammar mistakes in this chapter, I didn't have enough time to fix them all!


To me, dating someone was very new and it felt strange at first, but I was comfortable, though I felt guilty toward Minho, and because I felt guilty toward Minho, I also felt guilty toward Newt because I was still thinking about Minho while we dated.. confusing.

But just as one of the many nights, I woke up from a nightmare, panting heavily. The spy thing was somehow still haunting me. Or just that one task. I just kept having dreams about killing Newt, Minho, and literally anyone who stood in my way. And it only got worse after I killed the man that stabbed me.

Some footsteps took my attention, so I sat straight up quickly, eyes searching around.
"Love, are you alright?"

I let out a relieved breath when I recognized Newt. "Yeah, just a nightmare."

"Again?" He bent down next to my hammock.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Do you want to stay with me?" Newt asked carefully, like I would ever refuse that.

"That would be nice." I nodded and climbed out of the hammock, following Newt to his bed.

"My bed's not very big though," Newt muttered and motioned at it. I shrugged and together we lay down, our bodies touching.

Just when I got comfortable in Newt's arms, he shot right up. "Are you even okay with this?"

I chuckled at his sudden worry. "It's fine."

"Because if-."

"Newt." I interrupted before he could start a whole discussion. "It's fine," I repeated.

Newt lay back down again, taking me in his arms as I rested my head on his chest, which was surprisingly comfortable. "Good night, my love," Newt murmured before his eyes closed.

"Night, Blondie."

(Did anyone notice how in the whole three books, Jane only said "good" before morning/night like three times? It's always been just "night" or "morning")


I woke up with a loud cough, which made me open my eyes. "You two mind?" Brenda hung above me.

"What?" I groaned and stretched out my arms, just for both of them to be wrapped around Newt.

"Everyone walked past here this morning," Brenda explained, grinning a bit. "So everyone saw you like this."

"That's not too bad," I muttered, blushing when I found out our legs were intertwined and our arms wrapped around each other.

Brenda laughed. "You better hurry up before Jorge sees this."

"I'll keep it in mind." I watched Brenda walk off. Once she left completely, I scooted closer to Newt and closed my eyes again.

Newt suddenly groaned and opened his eyes at the same time as I did it once again, annoyed we probably had to get out of the comfortable position.

Just then I noticed Newt didn't look totally okay. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his hair greasy from it. His breaths were a little heavy.

"Newt, are you o-."

I cut myself off when Newt turned his head, facing the ground. I frowned deeply, but almost gasped when he suddenly threw up this.. this thick, black liquid.

Newt breathed heavily, gasping for air as my eyes widened.

"Newt?" I lowered my voice when Newt turned to me again, mouth slightly open. His eyes weren't sweet and brown like before, but black and threatening.

Out of a sudden, he screamed and attacked me.


I shot straight up, panting heavily and tossing around with my arms. A few tears wet my cheeks, but soon I came to the realization it was just a dream.

"Love?" Newt groaned from his place. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I assured quickly, rubbing my eyes. "Just a nightmare."

Newt pouted and wrapped his arm around me.
"Good morning, lovebirds." Brenda appeared above me again.

"Morning," I murmured, sadly having to climb out of bed instead of lying in Newt's arms.

"Today we're checking out on those walls. So-."

"Walls?" I repeated.

"Yes, walls."

"What walls?"

"You don't know what walls?" Newt frowned.

"Yeah, well, since the moment I met any of you, no one explained anything." I crossed my arms. "So what walls?"

"From the Last City. It's where WICKED is." Brenda explained. "Last stable city. Walls surrounding it."

"Is he in there?" I immediately asked, hoping I would get more information on my plan of saving Minho.

"We think he is," Brenda replied. "So we're checking out the walls."


It was busy around the grey, giant walls. I could see some high city towers peeking over them, but the rest of it was hidden.

I didn't expect it to be that crowded but soon noticed people were protesting against WICKED, screaming stuff.

Some people moved away when a car drove toward them. Someone on top of the car held a speech I didn't really bother listening to, but one certain person in the car caught my attention.

A mask covered their face, a black one. I noticed them starting at me, though. A spark of recognition got through my head, but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Watch out," Newt mumbled. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me away from most people walking close to us. I blushed but didn't have much time to think about it.

"That's it! That's our way in!" Thomas pushed himself through the crowd, toward a big door.

"Thomas!" Jorge yelled. "This is not what you're looking for!"

I shrunk in my body by the amount of hands touching me.

"Thomas!" Newt also screamed. "We gotta leave!"

Thomas didn't listen and kept walking until we arrived in front of everyone, the closest to the big walls.

"What the hell is this?" Crassus muttered when everyone fell silent. Some big things I at first didn't know what they were moved, sending a loud noise into the air.

I froze right in my place when I saw the big, black things pointed at us. They were bombs, I realized just a split second before they went off.

"Watch out!" People started screaming and running away. Jorge grabbed my arm and took me with everyone else, my mouth falling open.

I got pulled around a corner, into an alley. Almost I got hit by the bomb. Before I even took my surroundings, someone roughly took my body and tried to get me away from Newt.

"Don't touch her!" He screamed once he realized what was going on. But Newt also got grabbed, by two masked person. Our hands apart from each other and we got pushed into different cars.

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