6 - Minho ✭

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A/N: How do you think Newt will find out about Jane's stab/side, if he ever does?

Minho's POV

He saw Teresa watch him from the other side of the glass as a doctor connected a wire to him. Before Minho even got the chance to resist, a liquid flowed through the wire, making contact with his body.

His veins soon started to hurt and he could literally feel the liquid rush through his body, like it was burning his skin and bones.

He screamed, trying to throw his head back and stop the pain, but he was stuck.. tied onto a bed. So badly he wished for someone he knew and trusted to be there. And that were only three people. Thomas, Newt, and Jane. He didn't know Frypan well enough to trust him yet. He liked him a lot for sure, but what Teresa did to them, was exactly why he didn't trust easily.

Her face appeared in front of him, moving a light in front of his eyes.

"Jane?" He whispered so quietly his own ears almost couldn't hear it.

She smiled at him, revealing her teeth cutely. "It'll be okay." She assured.

Minho stared at her with wide eyes while her face started to transform into someone else's. A female doctor he didn't know. Jane wasn't there. She hadn't been there in the past weeks, months.. Minho couldn't tell the time. It felt endless.

He cried out quietly when the pain got worse, it ending up screaming loudly until his eyes fell closed into a horrible dream.. the screams turning into winces.

Something had been on his mind lately. Something that maybe hurt him the most of all. Mentally.

Yelling at Jane for absolutely nothing. Making her cry. Making her cry about something he wished he didn't have interfered with.

The horrible things he had yelled at her while he didn't even know the whole story. He thought Rye was assaulting her.. touching her while she didn't want to, but when he found out she never resisted, it made him angry.

And that was the thing. He tried to stop the anger or literally any shucking emotion he ever had. Happiness, anger, sadness, grief. The mindset was weird, yet he kept doing it the best he could.

Hiding how bad he felt about not being able to solve the maze, and the jealousy of countless people, like Newt for his relationship with Jane... Thomas and how he solved the maze in a few days while it took him years... Rye and the way Jane trusted him, which felt like more than she trusted Minho... Fry's an awesome way of comforting people.. he could make a whole list.

But it was all just jealousy, nothing else. He was confident, very confident, but jealous. So if he would've just not fought Rye, didn't let the anger take over, and blurt stupid stuff out to Jane, maybe he wouldn't feel that guilty.

That one simple 'I love you' would never be enough to say sorry. He knew that and thought it was wrong for Jane to forgive him that easily, yet she did.

As his mind was spinning with the guilt, he screamed out in pain, this time unconscious, though. His heart broke at a horrible vision of maybe the hundredth time he saw something bad happen to Jane right in front of his face, while he was frozen and couldn't move.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now