9 - Minho ✭

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He didn't bother to resist when they dragged him out of bed anymore. The only thing he wished for, was to see her face one more time. If that would be possible, nothing that would happen after would matter anymore.

Staring at the ground lifeless, he felt the doctors that took him take turns he didn't remember ever going.

I really am turning crazy, he thought when he, once again, repeated Jane's features in a whisper.

Soon he got pushed down on a hard bench, him groaning after. Never looking up, he felt his hands get tied together. Everything was quiet, though he noticed the many kids around him. It felt like they all stared at him, so he had to remind himself everyone was always too busy with themselves than others.

Then he started moving. Well, not only him.. just the whole vehicle he was in. It started driving. Minho stared out of his eyes blankly until footsteps on top of the train caught his attention.

Not long after, he almost bumped into the seat in front of him when the train suddenly stopped moving. Confused, but mind too limp to worry about it too much, he waited for something to happen.

But when he heard banging against the wall, his eyes widened, a spark of hope lighting up his heart.

"Minho?" Someone screamed from the other side of the metal. His mouth almost fell open. It was them. It had to be.

But instead of thinking about them saving him, he wondered where she was. Was she safe?

"Minho?" The so familiar that yet sounded so far away called out. And never he was so happy to hear her voice. Jane's beautiful voice.

Kids started yelling for help and soon he joined in, screaming at the top of his lungs, hoping he could get out of the hellhole and at least apologize to Jane for everything he did. Literally everything. He never apologized for the way he acted at the beginning of the Glade either.

He waited impatiently, hearing gunshots, yells, and lots of other violent things happen outside. Full of anxiety, he flinched lightly when a door connected to another train wagon opened.

And there he was. The person he obviously liked most of all. Rat Man.

Rat Man's eyes searched around the crowd until he met Minho's tired ones. Rat Man yelled something behind him, so two guards appeared, both holding tasers.

His eyes widened in fear. Nothing he hated more than those things. Just the feeling of getting electrocuted after he got struck by lighting was horrible, some flashes of that moment coming back each time.

There was one benefit about that. Well, he would've wished he couldn't call it that, but it really was..
He could understand Jane. About the flashbacks and fear. Obviously, they both went through whole different types of traumas, but it was comparable, yet he was convinced Jane had been through a lot more than him.

He tried to pull his hands out of the handcuffs, causing red lines to form on his wrist. A grunt in frustration escaped his mouth when it didn't work and the guards walked closer.

"No." Minho shook his head when they unlocked the handcuffs. Just now because he had heard his friends, he had enough hope to fight back.

With every last bit of energy, Minho elbowed one of them in the stomach and tried to tackle the other, but his body was so weak and the guards were amazingly strong.

The taser connected with his chest and he screamed out in pain, the other kids looking up in fright. Minho kicked and screamed, resisting so badly, but after getting hit by the taser two more times, his body went limp and he couldn't do anything but get dragged out of the wagon, into another one, and leaving his friends.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now