11 - Waste

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After getting lots of trainings from Crassus and a night of bad sleep, I waited behind a big rock for Thomas and Vince to stop the train. Newt and some others were a few feet away from me, Brenda and Jorge would distract a Berg and steal it together with Rye, Fry, and Cyra.. perfect plan, I would've said.

I waited anxiously and finally, after what felt like hours, a whistle and someone yelling for Newt made us start to run.

Immediately Newt started working on the train with Thomas' encouragement.

"Minho?" I banged against the wall just to make sure he was in there. Kids screamed and then I heard it. It had to be him. My face lit up, a smile forming on it.

Then I started to defend us with a gun, full of hope. Crassus also give me a quick lesson on using that. I wasn't as good as it than with knives, but it was doable.

"Newt, how you doing?" Thomas yelled after a while.

"Don't rush me." He replied.

Thomas started climbing onto a ladder, on top of the train and I followed, never stopping firing bullets though.

"There's too many of them!" Vince screamed. I looked up, distracted by a Berg. Jorge, I realized.

"Newt, get up here!" I yelled. The boy finished his job and climbed toward us too while we bent down, trying not to get hit by the dozens of guards running closer.

"Vince!" Thomas shouted when the man didn't stop shooting. Vince looked at his gun when he ran out of bullets before hiding behind the wagon.

"Now, Vince!" Newt added when Thomas connected the wagon and Berg with a hook. Vince took his chance and rushed over to the ladder.

"Yeah!" We cheered when we all arrived, the Berg slowly lifting us. I smiled bigger than I had done in all those months and couldn't help to give Newt and Thomas a hug.


We got the door of the wagon open once we landed back on our old location, the abounded building.

With my heart slowly healing again, I walked in with full confidence. I was nervous, yet excited to see Minho. Would he still look the same? The same smirk on his face? Or did he change?

My eyes searched around the dozens of kids, whose hands were tied together, connected with the roof. They all looked so horrible. Beaten up.. bruised. It made me hate WICKED even more.

I didn't see him. I didn't see him yet. I didn't give up hope and moved around, looking at every single kid until I arrived at the last one.

I swallowed and tried again, twisting around everywhere as my chest tightened. My eye caught Sonya and Aris, so I just walked over to them, reuniting and acting happy, but then it fell silent again.

"You okay?" Thomas wondered, making me realize he didn't search for Minho and was too busy helping Sonya and Aris.

"He's not here," I whispered after looking around one more time. Thomas' eyebrows furrowed since my whisper was so quiet. "He's not here." I swallowed once again.

Thomas' face broke and he started searching around himself while I felt my breathing get sucked up and my hands shake.

A hand touched my shoulder, but I shook it off. "I'm- I will.." I stammered, trying so hard not to cry, but my voice broke. "I've got to.. to do something."

And all that just for my heart to break into pieces again.. like my world just fell into a black abyss for a second.

I contained my emotions, or tried, by just nodding to let them know I understood it. Then I rushed out of the wagon, breaths ragged and body tensed.

Jorge almost bumped into me and took my shoulders. His mouth opened to say something, but when he saw my face expression, he paused in realization.
"He's not in there, is he?"

I just shook my head and looked down. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to lose any more tears than I already had. I just had to save Minho on my own if this didn't work, and I would.

"Oh, mi hija." Jorge sighed and wrapped his arms around me, which was enough for me to break down in tears. My hands clenched around his shirt and my legs almost gave up in the pure, mental pain.

"What can I do for you?" He asked soothingly, something I wasn't much used to with him.

I shrugged and tried to stop the sobs, but Jorge rubbing my back only made me more emotional. "I'm sorry." I cried out.

"There's nothing you need to be sorry for, mi hija." Jorge breathed.

I didn't believe Jorge. There were plenty of things I had to be sorry for, yet only Minho was on my mind at that point. But he also deserved a thousand apologies from me, just like everyone else.

𝐒𝐩𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 ✭ DTC love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now