27 - Until I Found You

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and sea hitting rocks. My first thought was if I were in heaven, because at that point I couldn't think of anything else. Literally.
Not many memories of the days before were stuck in my vision, so I hoped they would come back later.

Slowly I opened my eyes and climbed out of the bed I lay in, my body aching.
I was in some kind of hut, like in the Glade, but a more stable one. The bed was comfortable, a drawer was next to it, and all sorts of medicines, bottles, and bandages were on top of it.

As I walked out, my legs hurt and my muscles were tensed, but it didn't stop me from exploring.
Soon I noticed I was on a beach, with indeed, like I heard, a sea hitting rocks.

On my right were dozens of people. Some walked around, ate food, or sat next to a fire. I walked over to them at a slow pace, not getting who I was supposed to hurry for until I saw Jorge sitting on a log.

He looked at me, face lighting up as he rushed over to me. "Ah, mi hija." He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I hugged back firmly too, feeling an empty spot in me, but still not being able to tell what it was and why I had it.

"What is this?" I asked with a hoarse voice as if I had been screaming before. "Where are we?"

Jorge smiled lightly and put his hands on my shoulders. "This is the Safe Haven, mi hija."

I gasped quietly and looked around one more time. "Where are the others?"

"Thomas is still in a Med Hut, Brenda's with Cyra, Harriet, Aris, and Sonya, and Frypan with Gally and Rye," Jorge explained.

My face dropped. "Where are Minho and Newt?"

Jorge tensed up, eyebrows furrowing deeply. "Uh, Minho's also in a Med Hut."

"Is he alright?" I worried, a dark feeling washing over me. Something was wrong.

"He will be," Jorge said, putting his hands on his hips to seem more confident. "Hopefully." He added in a mutter.

"Is Newt in a Med Hut too? Can I visit them?" I questioned as the empty feeling grew bigger by the second.

"Mi hija.." Jorge started, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know how to tell you, dios."

"Tell me what?"

Jorge swallowed and took me with him to sit on the log. "Newt.. he.. well, he's not here."

"What do you mean?" Tears formed in my eyes, though I didn't know for what, yet.

Jorge lowered his voice. "He had the Flare, remember?"

I squeezed my eyes closed together, searching for a memory in my mind. "Yes, and we had the serum." I then confirmed.

Jorge sighed. "We had the serum yes, but Jane." He took a breath. "We were too late."

And then my mind snapped, dozens of memories overflowing it. Also Newt's death.
"I was too late," I whispered in realization.

"No, it's not your fault," Jorge said, but ignored him, feeling anger rise in me.

"Where is he now?" I snapped.

"Mi hija-."

"Where is he?" I raised my voice, knowing I had stayed with Newt. I was supposed to die with him! "Did you leave him?"

Jorge looked down. "We did."

I roughly got up, shaking Jorge's hands off. "Why didn't you leave me?" I yelled. Some people looked up, but I didn't care. "Why did you leave him like that, but not me?"

"The building fell," Jorge replied calmly. Too calm for me.

"But I was under the building too!" I turned a bit unsure if my memories were right. "How come I didn't get stuck under it then? Die?"

Jorge cleared his throat. "Because Minho saved you."

My face broke, cheeks turning wet. "What?" I whispered.

"Minho let it fall on top of him instead of you, Jane. You were in his arms." Jorge said slowly. "And you both survived. We're thinking that the stone didn't hit you, but a window."

I sniffed. "So a window fell through us?"


I bit my lip, ready to break down at knowing Newt was gone. He really was gone.
"He promised." I talked quietly, then raised my voice again. "He promised we would stay together no matter what happened and that we would talk it out in the Safe Haven!"

I let out a sob before leaving Jorge and moving toward the beach. I sat down against a rock, watching some people in the Safe Haven as I cried, tears streaming down my face.

Cyra was laughing with Harriet as Rye walked closer to me.
"Leave me alone, Rye," I said when he arrived in front of me.

He didn't reply and bent down, putting something in my hand. "I'm sorry." He whispered before leaving again.

I breathed in and opened my fist, finding the beautiful bracelet Newt had given to me. But when he gave it to me, I was in such a rush that I didn't see a small, metal tube hanging on the bracelet.

I slowly took it off and opened the tube. Two rolled-up papers were in there. Letters. Then I started reading, tears trickling down from my eyes.

Dear Jane,

I remember when you came up in the Box, scared and the only girl. At that point, I didn't know how much you would mean to me and also not why you were actually in the Glade, but apparently, you had to kill me, which you refused to do.

I wasn't scared, if you haven't noticed yet. I knew you didn't want it, no matter if they brainwashed you, I could still see the hurt in your eyes. But even if you did kill me and that meant you would be safe, then I was okay with that.

Later I turned out to be in love with you. Irrevocably. But things weren't easy. We were in a maze, I think neither of us was very stable, mentally.. and there was Minho. One of my best friends.

I always saw the way he looked at you and got jealous, but now, it only makes me happy. He really loves you. He doesn't show it and his way of communicating is a little.. well, different, but he does really love you.

So if something happens to me, which I assume will, go for Minho. I know you love him too. Don't grieve about me too much, because it's okay. I'm not afraid of dying. But the forgetting scares me. I'm scared I will hurt you and turn crazy, so if that happens, just run. 'Cause that's what you're good at. Running.. knife-throwing, and making people laugh. Believe me, everyone around you smiles when you do.

If something happens that you're uncomfortable with or literally anything else, immediately find help. That's an order. No hiding stuff and trying to deal with problems yourself, but tell someone. Anyone. Oh, and maybe not get drunk next time, because Minho will use that in his favor.

I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for a lot of things. Getting angry at you when I should've listened to the whole story, not wanting to make you a Runner, and ever break your heart, but it was the best decision. I know I promised we would talk it out in the Safe Haven, but now that I'm writing this letter, I don't think that will happen, but that's okay. Just.. try not to completely forget me and then go live your life with Minho, recover from everything, and be happy. Because you deserve that.

I love you, and always will.

Goodbye, my love.

- Newt.

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