24 - The Night We Met

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Later, we hid behind some concrete pots when WICKED guards drove around the city, the police alarm loudly on.

Newt sat a few feet away from us, throwing his head back and panting a bit. Things weren't good for him.

"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally stared at the cars.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked as he removed the jacket of his uniform from his body.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here," Gally replied. Thomas watched Newt for a few seconds, the unsureness appearing on his face. "We can make it," Gally added as Minho talked to the Brit.

Later, he walked over to us. "Hey. How long has he been like this?"

Thomas didn't answer his question. "He'll be okay. We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum."

My worry was already high for Newt, but I tried to ignore it. Things would go okay, I knew it.

"Come on, let's go." Thomas helped Newt up. Once he was on his feet, Thomas' let go. Newt stumbled over, making me jump up.

Thomas groaned as he pulled Newt with him. "We gotta get you up. Let's go."

Before I got the chance, Minho rushed over to help his friend. I bit my lip and looked at Gally, who shrugged. "Let's go."


Newt only looked worse by the second. His hair was greasy from sweat and veins were starting to pop out, but not as badly as a Crank.

We stopped when a loud explosion made the ground shake heavily. A giant fire flamed around the walls in front of us. I could feel the heat of it hit my skin.

"We're supposed to take down WICKED, not the whole damn city," Gally murmured as Minho and Thomas continued helping Newt walk.

"Gally, come on."


Again, we hid behind some pots when we saw dozens of guards on the road, holding guns and standing next to cars.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho muttered.

Thomas took a peek, then yelled,
"Get down, get down!"

I fell down on my stomach, hearing explosions and gunshots go off. Lawrence had gone into a war with WICKED, I realized when I saw the two fighting groups.

"We gotta go." Thomas pulled Newt up in a hurry. This time I did help him too, rushing into a building.

The heat of fire and the smell of smoke in the building made my eyes water, yet it was enough to calm down for a few seconds, until I realized something.

A war was going on outside, Newt was infected with the Flare, we didn't have the serum, and Brenda wasn't around. The chance we would make it was low, but I decided not to give up. After everything I had tried to do to avoid myself from killing Newt, I wasn't gonna let him die of a stupid virus. I wouldn't. And my wish would come true.

Newt's hair was almost completely wet by now. His veins turned black faster and he really started to show signs by not talking or moving much.

"Alright." Thomas was done with his conversation with Brenda on a walkie-talkie. "We need to look for them near the tunnels." He announced.

Minho and I helped Newt walk, Gally covered us, and Thomas lead the way until we, again, had to hide from literal cars being blown up.

Newt leaned against the wall again, mumbling stuff to leave him before he threw up black liquid, like in my dream. It leaked onto his chin and all of that, made me want to cry. I was so scared and worried for him.

"Go without me, man." Newt panted, chest moving fast. "You should just..." He trailed off.

Thomas bit his lip and looked at Newt for a second. "Minho. You gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can."

Minho stared at Thomas, taken aback.
"Minho, go."

"He's right," Gally added. "I can cover."

Minho eventually nodded and scooted closer to Newt, who put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you." He breathed. "Thank you, Minho."

"Hey, you just hang on. You hear me?"

Gally motioned for Minho to come with him, but Newt stopped them. "Take Jane with you." He gasped for some more air.

"What?" I looked up with my by now watery eyes. It hurt so much to see him like that.

"It's dangerous." Newt coughed out some more liquid. "Go to Jorge, love." He ordered soft and quiet as the two other boys got up. Thomas took it as a sign too and walked a few feet away from us.


"Don't.. resist, Jane." Newt struggled to talk and get something off his wrist. "Please.. just for this bloody once, listen to me." He put something in my hand. "You're gonna take this.. get to Jorge, and wait. Only if you really feel like going back in here, then go. But don't risk your life on something useless, okay?"

I nodded, some tears running down my cheeks. "Okay." I looked at the thing in my hands. A beautiful, silver bracelet that was detailed with small diamonds was on there. Where and how Newt got that didn't matter to me anymore.

"I love you," Newt said.

"I love you." I sobbed and couldn't help to hug him before leaving, not caring about his infection. "So much."

Newt tightened his grip one second, then let go of me. "Go, Jane... Go."

More tears leaked from my eyes. I don't want to go.

I really loved Newt. I had known that before, but now I was sure. He was the kindest person I had ever met, and he had to be saved. And he would.

I would run. The thing I was best at. Run faster than ever.. and faster than Minho.

"It's the safest, love," Newt added. "Thank you. Now go."

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