23 - Ribs

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The doctor held a firm grip on both of our arms. Especially Minho was struggling with keeping his anger in, yelling for the man to not touch me again, which made me flattered, but sad.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

He didn't reply and kept walking at a fast pace. Minho glanced at me and nodded, which I somehow understood. He was planning on escaping.

A glass door slid open, leading us into a big operation room. Two beds were in the middle, doctors walked around, and tables full of medical stuff stood everywhere.

Before I knew it, a doctor gave both me and Minho a syringe. I gasped quietly, feeling my body go limp and my eyelids get heavy in just a second.

I tried to resist it, but got put down on one of the beds, which made me even sleepier. My muscles relaxed completely and my eyes automatically closed before I drifted off unconscious.


I didn't know how long after, but I woke up by dozens of gunshots. For a second I thought it was in the operation room, but they came from outside, luckily.

"They're waking up." A male voice announced. I quickly closed my eyes again, playing it smart, but Minho had different intentions.

I listened to the grunts and screams, things falling to the ground. I took it as a sign and jumped off the bed, kicking and hitting wherever I could.

"Come on!" In a rush, Minho pulled me out of the room. It all went so fast that I barely remembered what happened in that room at all. "Watch out."

Masked guards with guns ran around everywhere, giving us a sign something was happening. Minho never let go of my arm as we ran through the building.

"Wait!" He came to a sudden stop around the corner.

"Get on the ground. Now!" Someone yelled, not to us, apparently. We stayed still for a second, Minho nodding at me again.

"I said get your-." The man cut himself off by Minho grunting and attacking the man while I watched on the side. He pushed him against the wall, grabbed his shirt, and threw him through some glass, looking quite mad.

Then he looked the other way, so I did too and then gasped. Thomas and Newt stood there. They looked at Minho stunned, wearing the same uniforms as the guards.

"Minho." Both boys breathed. They rushed over to Minho and had a group hug. I decided to let them have their moment before greeting Thomas and Newt myself.

Only seeing the smiles on their faces made me happier.
"Jane?" Newt suddenly asked.

I looked up at him, nodding. We hugged too before it was Thomas' turn.

"You know, Jane," He whispered through the hug. "You're very dumb to go here on your own."

I laughed and let go of Thomas, realizing the serum was still in my pocket.
"Newt!" I took it out and was about to hand it, but gunshots made me flinch.

The tube flew out of my hands, right in front of a guard. I screamed, but was too late, he already ruined it with his foot. The liquid spread on the floor. I froze in my place, feeling the guilt of losing the serum rise in me.

"Jane!" Thomas grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the shots.

We rushed through the white hallways, me mostly being pulled by any of the three boys until Thomas' abruptly stopped when Janson appeared in front of us.

"In here!" We ran into a room next to us. Thomas slammed the door closed and twisted the lock, just for us to realize we were at a dead end.

There were no other doors in the room, just more operation stuff like in every room and a big window, leading into some sort of pool.

"Oh, shit."

"Any ideas?" Minho raised his voice.

Thomas stared at the window before dramatically looking up. "Maybe."

Thomas explained his genius plan of jumping out of the window, which all of us found amazing. Not.

But we threw a heavy object through the window anyways. It fell for what felt like hours, slowly hitting the water.
Thomas sniffed. "It's doable. Just.." He took some steps back. "Need a little running start."

I sighed, anxiety filling my body at the thought of jumping off such a tall building.

"You sure about this?" I questioned, already shivering.

"Not really," Thomas muttered. We had to hurry. The door was getting burnt open from the outside.

"Nice pep talk," Minho commented.

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired," Newt added.

"Guess we don't really have a choice," I mumbled. Then the door got opened by a guard.

"Go, go, go!" One of the boys, I didn't know which one, gave me a push, which I mentally thanked them for. Also not.

I yelled loudly at seeing the water come closer. It felt like the wind cut through my skin, and my stomach hurt from the jump.

"THOMAS!" Minho and Newt screamed as I was continuing my own yell.

Then I hit the water, quite hard. It didn't hurt, but I was panicked in the first few seconds, darkness around me until I swam up, toward the surface.

"Jane, your yell sounds hysterical." Minho climbed out of the water.

"Minho, you were screaming Thomas' name," I replied just as sassy.

He leaned in. "Like you were doing with my name half an hour ago."

"I wasn't." I blushed and quickly walked over to Newt, who didn't look the best, by the way. His eyes were tired and his face pale, but luckily the veins in his face weren't visible yet.

"I lost the serum." My voice cracked and I looked down in shame.

"Love.." Newt sighed. "Gally's getting another serum right now."

A spark of hope for Newt lit up my face. "He is?"

"Yes. He'll go to Brenda, who's at the bus. While the kids escape with her, we go to the well, also toward them. We got Minho and the serum, so it'll be fine." He assured, voice soothing. "Oh, and promise me to never just leave like that again. I was bloody worried."

"Alright." I chuckled, but it disappeared when someone yelled for us to turn around with our hands in the air.

My breathing hitched when I saw four guards in front of us, all pointing guns at us.

"Don't even think about it!" He yelled when Thomas tried to grab his gun.

He was about to command the next thing, but the guard to his left suddenly pulled the trigger. Not on us, but on the three other guards, who fell onto the ground immediately, shocks of electricity sending through their bodies.

"You son of a bitch." One of them murmured.

Surprised I stared at the masked guy, who quickly revealed his face. Gally.

We all let out a relieved sigh, except for Minho, who might've been rethinking his whole life.

"Gally?" He stammered, confused as never before. After all, he was the one that 'killed' Gally.

"Minho." Gally gave him a nod. "You guys are nuts."

"I'll explain later." Thomas patted Minho on the back before we started walking through the city.

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