everywhere, everything

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   UNTIL CAREERS DAY OF 1991 AMELIA LEVINE DID NOT KNOW WHO SHE WANTED TO BE. She was the quiet girl placed on the front row of every class, a spare seat next to her just for the naughty kids in hopes she'd be the good influence, she was 'always a pleasure to teach' and respectful, always smiling at her teachers. Amelia didn't put her hand up to answer questions and was never picked on to answer them, it had been an unwritten rule at her San Francisco high school.

   Amelia couldn't of told you who she was at the age of fourteen because she was reserved, closed off from the rest of the class, as if she was frightened to approach her classmates. Most of them hadn't done anything. It had never really been the people in her class that scared her, it was more the fear that she'd make friends and she'd laugh and enjoy herself and then a moving van would be parked outside her window the next morning. Amelia believed that if she kept her distance she'd never wake up with that unsettling feeling again. And, to be honest, she never had. Not after having moved states fives times beforehand.

   Until that careers day. She'd started the day off uninterested because she didn't know who or what she wanted to be in the future, how could she when she hadn't known who she was?

   That careers day, come eleven o'clock in the morning, she'd already been met with the half asleep lifeguard, the quiet plumber who couldn't get them to remain quiet and then an FBI agent; SSA David Rossi to be specific. He had first asked them what the FBI stood for and Amelia had to refrain from rolling her eyes, he was a man in his mid 30s (Amelia would say closer to 36) with wrinkles that came from stress and the job he did, not from age, but there was still smile lines written on his face. He was intelligent in the way he spoke and the way he carried himself. So, what a stupid question to ask. He had clearly read Amelia's mind of her criticisms when he picks on her to answer the question, she immediately sunk into her seat in fear that even though her answer had been completely correct that she was wrong.

Everywhere, Everything / Criminal Minds Where stories live. Discover now