𝗶𝗶: failure and letters

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chapter two / season three episode one

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chapter two / season three episode one.

"THE KNIFE TUBBS HAD ON HIM IS INCONCLUSIVE." While Amelia did want to reel in the success of catching the unsub there was also a major dark cloud looming over the BAU: the fact they had no physical evidence to tie Tubbs to the murders and that it all felt far too easy.

Emily handed Amelia a fresh cup of coffee, one the new girl easily accepted this time. "Thank you." She whispered, choosing to use the sugar packets that had also been handed to her to sweeten up the coffee - if you could even call it that.

Amelia wished that departments could spread their budget for new coffee machines.

"The taser has no prints on it," Amelia leaned forward grabbing the bagged evidence, "Hate to be pessimistic, but we have nothing solid."

"I'll stop by the security offices." Spencer offered, "If Tubbs kept any trophies linking himself to the crimes, he might have kept them in his locker."

"I'll go with you." Emily offered.

Both Derek and Amelia shook their heads at Emily.

"No, let Reid do it. Go to the hotel, check in. They're not gonna hold our rooms forever. We'll go in shifts."

"I'll sleep when he confesses." Emily told him.

Amelia sighed, "You might be waiting a while."

Emily and JJ both left the conference room that had been turned into the BAU's makeshift set up.

Derek looked over towards Amelia and put one of the bagged pieces of evidence down, "Little Miss Sunshine soon turned pessimistic." He mused.

Amelia looked up from her coffee, "Little Miss Sunshine, really? You've known me, what, twenty hours or so?"

"You forget we're profilers, sunshine." Derek smiled, "It's Little Miss Sunshine, or Little Miss Nervous, take your pick."

Amelia scoffed half-heartedly, "I'm not nervous."

"Do your toes hurt?" Derek queried, "They've been curled up inside those boots all day. You didn't accept that coffee from Emily earlier, 'cause you were afraid to steal it from her. And your fingers tapped in rapid succession in the profile briefing, you're worried you'll speak out of turn, or step on one of our toes."

Amelia was going to have to get a heck of a lot better at hiding her tells.

"It's your first day, I get it," Derek told her, "but we aren't pirañas; we aren't going to eat you alive. And if it's to do with Hotch," he looked out into the bullpen seeing their boss staring at something, "He's always like that with newbies, sadly you'll just have to do something that earns his trust."

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