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chapter fourteen / season three episode eight

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chapter fourteen / season three episode eight.

TW: cannibalism. this is the tracey lambert episode and if this episode upsets you in any way shape or form please do skip. prioritize yourself not this fic.

TRACEY LAMBERT WAS BLITZ ATTACKED IN A BATHROOM. Which had been set up for those traveling so that they could use it when desired.

This meant Tracey had gone missing around a vast amount of forest. Which then would lead to a search and rescue.

The Priest had shown up.

And Amelia had watched as Derek's back muscles had tensed, the profiler didn't even need her job to be able to see the glare he was hiding under his sunglasses.

Amelia approached him as they walked away from the Priest, "What was that?" She asked him, referring to his miniature outburst about the Priest's presence being unnecessary here.

Her hand came in contact with his bicep as if to stop him from walking away.

Derek shrugged her hand off and walked forward, "It's nothing." He mumbled.

Amelia stared at the back of his head before continuing, "That wasn't nothing, you've got a problem with the Priest, what is it?"

"It's nothing, Amelia." He insisted.

Amelia rolled her eyes, "Really? Then why is there a stick lodged so far up your ass that I can see it coming out your nose?"

"There's no stick, and there's no problem with the Priest." He turned around to face her, "Leave it."

Amelia watched him walk away and up the hill to where people were signing in to volunteer.

He had probably given her so much stick in his head for not opening up, and here he was.

Amelia wasn't going to say anything. She was going to say nothing, actually.

Amelia had gotten pretty used to be shrugged off when she wanted someone to talk to her, and she'd been given the cold shoulder more than a hundred times in her life.

If Derek didn't want to talk, then he didn't have to.

Who was she to make him talk?

His best friend? Probably not.

Unknowingly to her, Rossi had watched their entire interaction. He watched her approach Derek, seemingly unfazed by his attitude as if she'd been faced with it hundreds of times before, and he had watched when her face and how it only faltered for a second when Derek walked away.

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