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you looked back at me once
but i looked back two times

"I can't do this anymore," Aster groaned as she dropped the plate she had been washing for the past five minutes.
"It's okay, you're almost done Aster. You're so close to finishing," Aruna attempted to motivate her as she scrubbed the kitchen counter herself.
"I can't," the elder shook her head. "Besides, we don't have any more dish soap."

"Ask the girls if they have any in their dorm," Aruna suggested.
"Already did. They don't have any either."

Sighing in defeat, Aruna let Aster take her long awaited break and threw on a light hoodie herself, quickly putting on her slides and leaving the dorm. She greeted the little staff she knew in the lobby and head off to the store.

There were three convenience stores located near her apartment but she preferred the one right by the corner of the street. It was quiet and small- but always had the things she needed.

It was a mere three minute walk so she sped up her legs to reach it fast, knowing Aster would fall asleep in the little time she was out and find a way out of her chores.

As she entered the small shop, a familiar aroma of snacks and not so fresh coffee greeted her senses. The shelves were lined with an assortment of stunning treats that called to her from every corner.

It was a quaint place, but it seemed to offer an endless variety of tempting goodies. Aruna's eyes zeroed in on her favourite snack, the one that was rarely in stock but was there today, in all its mouth-watering glory.

Her heart fluttered with excitement at the sight. It had been ages since she last tasted that particular delight. She could practically feel its crispy texture and savour the burst of flavour on her tongue.

But then a wave of anxiety washed over her, reminding her of her ongoing battle to watch her weight. Those words the boss told them stuck on her mind.

Aruna hesitated, her mind torn between desire and discipline. She knew that giving in to the temptation would only lead to guilt and regret later. The fear of ruining her carefully crafted image played on her mind like a broken record. She couldn't let her efforts go to waste over a momentary indulgence.

She would disappoint everyone, especially herself.

Summoning her willpower, Aruna averted her gaze from the tantalizing snacks and made a beeline for the cleaning aisle. She reminded herself of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the goals she had set for herself. It was for her career.

With determination, Aruna picked up the dish soap she had come for, deliberately ignoring the tempting treats that seemed to whisper her name. It took every ounce of self-control to resist the allure and stay focused on her objective.

As she walked towards the checkout counter, she kept her head down, intentionally avoiding eye contact with the vibrant packages that silently begged her to reconsider.

The cashier scanned her purchase and Aruna glanced over her shoulder one last time at the snacks that had tested her resolve. She knew that saying "no" to them now meant saying "yes" to her own well-being and self-care. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she realized the strength she possessed to overcome such temptations.

Or was it insecurity?

Leaving the convenience store with dish soap in hand, Aruna held her head a little higher. She had triumphed over her cravings and reaffirmed her commitment to her goals. It was a small victory, but one that would propel her forward on her journey towards a healthier, happier self.

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