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i didn't know that you were right in front of me
until i looked out

It was one of those rare days where Aruna didn't have to go to work. The company allowed the girls to take a day off after performing on Show Champion.

Aruna was grateful, really, but she couldn't help but feel weird at the thought of not spending precious time practicing but instead lounge around in her dorms.

So, she decided to go out.

Well, not before she found out her period arrived minutes before leaving the dorm. Arunas cycle was never the same. It came one month, skipped the next few, and then returned again.

After visiting the doctors a year ago, she found out it was because of the immense weight loss she went through during her training period.

"Aster, do you have a tampon?" she yelled urgently from the toilet, cursing herself for thinking she would be light enough to not have it this month.
"Uhm..." Aster shuffled in her room, going through her drawers and stands. "Yeah- only got one though."

At least that meant Aruna would still need to go out to buy more.

She wrapped her wool scarf securely around her neck, covering half her face from how thick it was. It was a birthday gift from her aunt before she passed away.

"I'm heading out. Do you want anything?" Aruna asked her roommate as she put on her uggs. They were new and she was pretty excited to wear them.
Aster peeked her head out of her door. "Chips and gummies please."

Leaving with the request, Aruna walked to the convenience store. It wasn't snowing yet, but the comforting scent of winter hung in the air, bringing a genuine smile to her face. She loved winter a lot. It might've even been her favourite season.

She decided to go to the further convenience store as the weather was perfect for taking a stroll. She wanted to savour it in as much as she could.

The world seemed to hush as Aruna moved, the only sounds the gentle tap of her shoes and the occasional rustle of leaves in the cold breeze.

Her breaths formed little clouds in the chilly air as the rhythm of her steps created a calming melody on the pavement, reminding her of the music she once fell in love with.

The leaves were crisp on the ground as Aruna hopped on them and felt the satisfying crunch sound they made. Birds overhead were in the midst of migration, seeking warmer climates as they aimed for survival through the changing seasons. Squirrels searched for acorns, Aruna occasionally kicking them towards the animal just enough for them to not be scared.

Winter was coming.

"Welcome," the cashier at the counter said cheerfully. She seemed in a better mood than Aruna always remembered her. She would always game on her phone or scowl at the sky as if it held a grudge against her. It was nice to see her so joyful.

Aruna decided to search for the snacks first, already knowing where the sanitary pads were. She found the brand Aster loved, and grabbed some for the girls next door. They loved to eat but hated shopping.

Eliana would seem like a reliable dorm mate from afar, and for the most part she was, but buying food was a trait she lacked. She would always excuse herself by saying takeout was created for a reason.

After gathering all the necessary snacks, Aruna went to find some tampons.

She stacked up on all three sizes, in case of emergencies and placed them in the basket she grabbed when she first entered.

Behind The Scenes ༻ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now