༻ 7

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the practice studio, Aruna found herself alone, determined to practice the title track for their upcoming debut.

The other members had left one by one, as it was getting late into the evening, but Aruna couldn't shake off the feeling that she needed to keep working on her dance moves. It was for the better.

"I'll just stay a little longer," she told herself, brushing her hair back and taking a deep breath. The music began to play, the familiar catchy beat echoing throughout the room. Aruna took her position, her heart pounding with both adrenaline and determination.

She loved dancing, but she knew the choreography was challenging and she still struggled with some of the moves.

As the familiar melody filled the room, Aruna's mind went blank, and she tried to focus solely on her movements. But each step seemed to elude her, and the coordination she usually possessed felt distant and unattainable. Doubt began to creep in, and her confidence wavered.

The words of the dance instructor really stuck to her.

"I know you know that you aren't as experienced as the others but that just means you have to push yourself more. The fans are expecting a lot from you. Got it?"

It was so taunting.

She kept pushing forward, attempting the dance moves again and again, but they just didn't flow the way she wanted them to. Her body felt stiff, her timing was off, and her footwork stumbled. Each mistake only added to her frustration.

Aruna was trying her best- really, but something was holding her back.

The mirrors on the walls reflected her efforts, but instead of seeing her reflection as a source of inspiration, she felt disheartened. It was as if the person staring back at her was a stranger, someone who couldn't grasp what should have been second nature to her.

She tried to recall the countless hours of practice she had dedicated to perfecting her performance, but it seemed as though Aruna had forgotten everything in that moment. The music that had once uplifted her now seemed to mock her with each misplaced step.

It was getting too loud.

Tears of frustration and annoyance welled up in her eyes as she continued to dance, trying to force her body to cooperate.

Her irritation mounted, but she refused to give up. She wanted to prove to herself that she could overcome this challenge, that she could nail the dance routine like her members did. She wanted to be as good as them.

With her mind clouded by disappointment and her body exhausted from the repeated attempts, Aruna pushed herself harder, ignoring the strain in her muscles and the growing pain in her foot.

But as time passed, the pain in her ankle became too intense to ignore. It felt like a sharp jolt with every step, a constant reminder of her limitations. It was mocking her strength, telling her that she was too weak to continue.

Aruna finally had to admit defeat; she couldn't dance through the pain any longer.

Angered by her limitations, she turned off the speakers and sank to the floor. She hugged her knees close to her body, resting her face on it. She wasn't crying- Aruna hardly cried. She was just mad at herself.

Her ankle throbbed, and she knew that she had pushed herself too far. But even with all those efforts, she still wasn't good enough.

Gathering her things, she decided to call it a night. As she limped out of the studio, she promised herself that she would work harder the next day until she could be as good as the others.

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