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did you get enough love, my little dove
why do you cry?

"What are you doing with him?"

Aruna's fingers slipped from Jisung's grasp as her mother's voice sliced through the air, halting her movements abruptly. She wasn't sure how long she was standing there and didn't really want to know.

"Mom... I, uh, this is Jisung," Aruna stammered, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she turned away from her boyfriend, unable to meet his gaze. She clenched her lip between her teeth, feeling nervous. "I...I meant to tell you earlier, but things just got... complicated."

Aruna's mother squinted at Jisung, a flicker of recognition crossing her features. Her eyes widened as she pieced together the puzzle, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Isn't that the guy who broke your leg when you were a trainee?"

What- wait
Oh my gosh
My texts from 2017

Aruna's breath hitched, caught off guard by her mother's sharp memory. Even she had forgotten about that incident. She hadn't expected her to recall it, especially since she had never replied to her messages about it.

"I... I didn't know you knew about that," Aruna admitted.
Her mother's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why wouldn't I?" she retorted."I pay attention, Aruna."

"Yeah, but... you never replied," Aruna murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her mother's expression hardened, a flash of anger crossing her features. "That doesn't mean I don't care," she snapped, her tone sharp. "I have a lot on my plate, you know."

Aruna flinched at the rebuke, feeling a pang of guilt for bringing up the topic. She hadn't intended to upset her mother, but the words had slipped out before she could stop them.

"I know, Mom," she replied softly. "I'm sorry."
"Wait..." her mother shook her head slowly as she peered behind her daughter. "Is he an idol?"
"Yes, he is."

She had a sour look on her face, almost as if she couldn't say the words she was thinking in such distaste. "Is that why you became one, so you could...date him? Did Jisung make you throw your life away to become a stupid singer?"

"No-" Aruna raised her voice, baffled at the accusation thrown at her. "Why would I- I didn't even know him when I joined the company mom...I did it for me."

It was getting harder to excuse her actions when it was brought up in every conversation. She couldn't help but feel her patience running thin. They never listened.

"I can't trust what you say these days. First you run off here because of your member and now you coincidentally have an idol boyfriend? This industry is ruining you," her mother closed her eyes, her tone softening into a gentle soothing rhythm.

Aruna wanted to hug her and apologize but she held back, instead taking steps the opposite direction. "Mom...no," she said. "I'm sorry and I love you but you can't-you can't keep doing this to me."

There was silence on the other side as Aruna heard the shuffling of Jisung. He was probably doing the awkward bounce she loved to laugh at. But if he was doing that, she knew he felt uncomfortable.

She hid her hands behind her back, signalling him that he could leave by waving it manically. He must've got the message because his comforting presence no longer wrapped her.

"You can lie to me Aruna but remember that we had a future set out for you and you were going to be successful. That...that boy ruined it," her mother spat furiously, her hands pointing in the direction Jisung just left.

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