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Aruna found herself anticipating the snow.

Occasionally gazing up at the sky with an almost pleading expression, she silently urged the heavens to let the snowflakes fall. The excitement for her favourite season, with its magical white landscapes, was a familiar joy.

And also the chance of hanging out with Jisung again was a bonus.

She was a little nervous to outrightly invite him over or go to his dorm as they weren't at that casual stage in their friendship yet, and Aruna believed in the value of patience.

Good friendships were built over time, and she was willing to wait for the right moment.

Looking back at her vanity and tightening her ponytail, she heard her shuffling from the opposite end of their dorm.

Aster stood by the door of Arunas room, peeking in with a concerned expression. "You sure you wanna practice?" she asked once again, her worry for Aruna evident in her tone.
Aruna met her friend's concern with a reassuring grin. "Yes, I'm sure. It was just a strained ankle, at least I didn't break it."

Giving each other the wide-eyed look, they both knocked on wood at the same time, making sure not to jinx the curse.

Aster, still uncertain but playing along, pointed towards the wooden door. "Putting my trust in this piece of wood," she declared. "I believe you."

"You would be crazy if you didn't. That door was built so long ago... full of magic and secrets no one knows yet." Aruna, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, spoke with an eerie tone. She swiftly stood up, speeding her walk to run past the wooden door.

"Stop- come back!" Aster whined, a genuine sense of fear creeping into her voice. "I'm scared."
"Well you should be...look behind you!" Aruna opened the front door. She glanced at her roommates scared face and closed it on her before entering the hallway. Eliana stood outside, arms crossed. "Uh- hi?"

"Runa..." she sighed. Asters desperate voice was heard as she knocked on the door, waiting to be let out.
Ciela watched with a chuckle, amused by her members differences. "Moon and sun. I swear your guys' names are mixed up," she uttered.

It was true. Aruna radiated cheerfulness and brightness, like the sun, while Eliana had a more reserved and calm demeanour, similar to the moon.

It was a bit different in front of cameras though where the moon became quite timid and the sun shone. Maybe their names were fitting.

"Okay, let's go," Aruna opened the door for Aster who stuck her tongue out at her, reciprocating it back.

"It's her first day back and I'm already tired..." Eliana sighed.
Ciela wrapped an arm around the elader, squeezing her shoulder. "Good luck g."

The breaks between dance practices were more frequent because of Arunas leg injury.

She felt like it was an inconvenience to worry about her so much but Ciela threatened that she would lose more than just an ankle if Aruna tried to work harder than she needed.

"Want anything?" Aster asked, getting ready to go to the vending machine for a snack. Aruna shook her head, rejecting the idea of food. She wasn't hungry with all the overfeeding and babying her members gave her.

She was stranded in her home for three days. It didn't seem like a lot but it was an obscene amount of time she could use to practice instead. Aster always brought back too much food for the two of them and made sure Aruna never attempted to get up.

Behind The Scenes ༻ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now