Chapter 2

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Logan's POV-

I walked into the restaurant where I was supposed to meet Finn and Colin. As soon as he saw me, Finn got up and dragged me outside. Colin followed.

"What's going on?" I asked. I'd never seen Finn act so weird before, and that's saying a lot.

"I don't know if you wanna go in there, mate" Finn said

"Why?" I asked, tentatively

"Rory's in there" Colin told me

I groaned internally. It was 3 years ago, why does everyone thing that I'm still hung up on her? "Why would I care that Rory's in there? We haven't even spoken in over 3 years. I don't know why everyone thinks I'm still hung up on her"

"Because you don't date" Colin said

"I don't date because I don't want to. What I do want is to have dinner with friends, so if you're done being ridiculous can we go inside?"

"She's not alone. She's with some guy, who's definitely not family" Finn said

"Maybe a boyfriend. Possibly a husband" Colin said

He's handsy though, that's for sure" Finn added

I'll admit, hearing that Rory was with someone did bother me. I know that it shouldn't though. I walked away, that was my choice. And just because I choose not to date doesn't mean that I'd expect her not to "why should I care that she's with someone?" I ask, trying to act like I didn't care, even if I did. We went into the restaurant and sitting across the room, right in my line of sight was the one and only Rory Gilmore. Or maybe it's not Gilmore anymore. Either way, she's a beautiful as I remember her. Her hair is longer though, and possibly lighter, although that could just be the light. What's for sure is that she certainly looks very cozy with whoever she's with.

Rory's POV-

I'm sitting with Evan in a booth at one of our favorite restaurants in the city. He has his arm around my shoulders and my head is resting on his shoulder.

"How's your article coming along?" Evan asked

"It's coming" I sighed. My day at the office was been less productive than I'd hoped. I only agreed to go into the office because I thought that Evan was still gonna be in Africa. Or I guess he'd be on the plane by that point. Either way, knowing that he was back after 2 weeks of him being away, all I could think about the whole time I was at work was him.

"Can I read it?" Evan asked. He always read all my articles, even the boring ones.

"When it's done" I said

Logan's POV-

The whole time I'm in the restaurant with the guys, I can take my eyes off Rory. I watch as he whispers something in her ear, making her laugh. I watch her brush her hair behind her ear, the same way she always would and for the first time in awhile, I start to think about if I made the wrong decision walking away that day at her graduation. But, neither of them were wearing a wedding ring, so as far as I could tell they're not married.

That night I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get Rory out of my head. Why am I bothered by Rory being with someone? I hadn't thought about Rory this much since a few months after we broke up. Do I wanna get back together with her? Would she want that? Probably not, right? She's clearly happy with whoever that guy is. I eventually try to turn my mind off and go to sleep.

Rory's POV-

I was sitting with Evan at mom and Luke's house. Even after being together for a year, Evan was always more conscious about touching me in front of them. Where as if we were alone or just with friends he wouldn't give a second thought to touching me, at my mom's house he was very weird about touching me. I was sitting next to Evan and he had his hand on my leg.

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