2. Sutton

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I glanced up from my computer screen when the door to my office pushed open without so much as a knock. My gaze immediately went back to what I was working on. The presentation from yesterday. My brothers and I went over it more times than I could count, but I wanted to give it another look. Check to see if we missed something that threw off the entire meeting this morning.

Much to my chagrin, there wasn't. Every 'I' was dotted. Every 'T' crossed. Which only meant one thing. We had to do a better next time. We had to pull out all the stops. We had to make this fucking happen because the kids deserved it, and I wouldn't give in until they got it.

"Tell me you're not looking over the presentation again."

Elliott was the second youngest, and the brother I was closest to. We had the same work ethic, were pros at putting it first without letting in distractions, and hustled as if the devil was hot on our asses.

If it weren't for him and his team, the company wouldn't have billboard coverage in every state. He worked tirelessly to get the name out there, and I admired him for it. For the tenacity. For the way he never gave up or gave in to the seduction of being a wealthy man like our youngest brother, Breckin.

I exited out of the presentation and rocked back in my chair. I was on the grind all afternoon, tearing through my list of contacts to find another way in. Then, Alicia, my assistant, came in with the day's updates and dropped a bomb on me I didn't expect. A postcard I hadn't looked at since I tossed it in the trash bin.

"Had to look over it once more," I grunted out, my voice that no nonsense tone I always had.

"Once more," he chuckled, sinking his hands into the pockets of his black slacks as he walked over to the window that overlooked the city. "We both know you didn't look at it just once."

"Fine," I grumbled. "I looked at it a few times. Happy?"

"I'd be happier if we scored the shot." He gave me a single glance. "You bailed on one of your meetings. Made me sit in when we both know your appearance would've been better. Have anything to do with our failure to win over Felicia?" A hint of a pause lingered before he added, "I know it means a lot to you."

"I had to regroup."

I needed time to think without distractions and meetings, one he was more than capable of handling.

He nodded and dipped his chin, a smirk pulling at his lips. His skin was a shade lighter than my olive tone, but he had the same brown hair. Though he didn't have a beard to match. I was the only Barrett who pulled that off. He rubbed a hand over his clean-shaven chin. "What's the plan?"

"That's why you're here. The others are on their way."

I had Alicia fill in a last-minute meeting with the three of them before the end of the day. I may have been CEO of the company, but we all had our stakes in the business. The only one who didn't work for me was our sister, Mila, but that was because she was still attending college and kept scarce most of the time.

"Jameson back from his trip early?"

I nodded and pulled at the drawer of my desk. The thing was made of a combo of glass and steel but had a single pull-out that I used for odds and ends. One of them being my phone. I switched the screen on and checked for any messages from Gracie. Aside from the few exchanges we had this morning about Breckin keeping his dick in his pants and the few messages a bit ago, we hadn't gotten another chance to talk.

"He left a day earlier than anticipated." I checked my watch. Him and Breckin should've been in my office already. Irritation ticked through me at their tardiness, but I told myself to tamp it down since it was last minute.

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