25. Gracie

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"I think it's time for another lesson," I mused, mindlessly walking underneath one of the unforgettable boulder formations of The World Famous Baths of Virgin Gorda. Sunlight streamed in, lighting up the clear waters. Sand squished between my toes. Not in that annoying way where the sand cuts into your skin but the calming way that makes you want to lay down in it and get lost in the sensation.

Sutton was behind me, looking every bit as sexy as he had been for the past few days, only now he had a tan going on that made his skin deliciously darker. A strip of red fanned out over his nose and his hair was beautifully windswept from our boat ride onto the beach.

Everyone else had long since cleared out from the larger-than-life boulders and found relaxation on the beach and waters. We were due to spend the next few hours here before riding back and rejuvenating in a detox by the cabanas of the resort. Something I was very much looking forward to. 

"Do you, now?"

I twisted around, kicking the water as the thin skirt I had around my waist covered my upper thighs. The breeze blew through the formations and lifted it the slightest bit. Sutton's eyes fell to the movement. And if the last few days didn't make it obvious enough, I'd say he wanted to rip the thing off me, sink it into the water, and let the ocean have its way with the flimsy fabric.

"I do."

He slowly paced closer. My body ached to match his strides and meet him in the middle, but I wanted to play, to have a little fun and draw him out of his shell even more.

That, and...I was desperately, achingly horny.

Just watching the way his eyes moved across my body made me wet between the knees. Whereas it took Jason touching me to light a line of fire across my skin, all it took from Sutton was a glance. A single, fleeting look to push me over the edge and make my engine thrum with desire.

He followed me deeper into the inlet. Pretty soon, I'd have nowhere to go. Huge rock formations surrounded me and water was up to my shins. "Coming up short, Goldie."

"What does that mean?"

"That means you're going to have to come up with the lesson this time."

I grinned. "But that's not the way this goes."

My back pressed into the rough boulder behind me as water lapped at my legs. Excitement swirled in my stomach, moving through it like a kite taking on the heavy breezes of a spring day. His hands cinched around my hips.

"It's how it's gonna go this time because my mind can't seem to focus on anything fucking else with you in front of me." He gripped the thin material covering me. "I've wanted to rip this off you since the moment you put it on this morning."

His nose brushed the side of my cheek.

"That so?"

"Extremely so."

I couldn't help but let my eyes wander shut when his lips pressed against my skin. First my cheek, then my jaw, before falling down to my shoulder. He followed my clavicle, stopped at its hollow spot and swirled his tongue against my sticky skin.

As much as I loved every second with him, we weren't here to fool around for no reason. I wanted to learn to be better. To attract better men. I wracked my brain for some kind of lesson I needed help with when it came to relationships, and then I landed on the very thing that wedged itself between Jason and I for months—and the same reason it took me so long to find the confidence to ask him about moving in together.

Lack of communication was an issue that many couples went through, but I didn't want to harbor resentment in another relationship because I didn't know how to talk to someone. Because they didn't know how to talk to me. We needed an open line where both of us felt comfortable enough to say whatever was on our minds.

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