27. Gracie

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I stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind me. Just like I had to the sliding door. The sound vibrated through the floor and into my body, making me that much more irritated than I was outside with Sutton.

How dare he.

How dare he say those things and make me feel like I couldn't go to him. As if irritation wasn't enough, embarrassment moved through me at a brisk pace. It was becoming blatantly obvious how I shouldn't have asked Sutton to break past our friendship lines to teach me things.

It had only been a few days and look at us.

We were at each other's throats after one call from Jason.

I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face. My skin was hot, my ears burned from knowing what Sutton really thought. My stomach twisted into painful, uncomfortable knots. I wasn't in the mood to try and figure out how to undo them.

Not when I wanted to march back outside and give Sutton a taste of his own medicine.

Sometimes he could be downright mean, and because I mostly only ever saw him act that way with his brothers, it made him acting that way to me that much harsher.

It hit me straight in the heart.

I collected a fresh pair of pajamas and ventured into the shower. I got cleaned up when we got home earlier, but I needed to do something that didn't involve walking back out into the living room where I'd see Sutton through the sliding doors or back at the table with his laptop.

I needed space.

Preferably an entire country between us, but this bedroom was going to have to do.

I turned the water as hot as it would go then slipped out of the silk fabric that adorned my body. My head shook on its own accord, still taken aback over Sutton assuming how I was going to fall right back into Jason's arms the second we got back to Philadelphia.

It wasn't that I necessarily wanted to explore our relationship more, but Jason and I had been a part of each other's lives for a while. Long enough for me to consider moving in with him, and that meant something, despite him ending things by cheating on me the way he had.

I owed it to myself to get the closure I needed so I could move on.

Maybe Sutton didn't understand that. Whether he did or not wasn't going to change what happened in the future. Once we got back to the city, I would see Jason again. Even if it made me cringe to look into his eyes, eyes I once loved deeply, I had to do what was best for me.

Why couldn't Sutton understand that?

Hot water cascaded over my back at the same time I thought I heard a creak. I chalked it up to him finally coming in from outside. This villa was heavenly, but occasionally, we could hear the other through the walls. Like when he closed one of the kitchen cabinets a little too hard or when the toilet flushed and the water ran through the pipes. As luxurious as it was, the place still had its flaws. I still adored it. Adored every second of each day we'd been here.

And I'd do it all over again, even if it still led to this moment. This pain and discomfort that filled me to the brim.

I despised arguing with Sutton. He was one constant in my life that was always easy, and arguments between us were few and far between. We'd get over it, I was sure. Eventually, he'd put his ego to the side and I'd open my heart enough to hear what he had to say.

The creak sounded again and drew my attention from the shower water to the door. The water hadn't been on long enough to fog up the top half of the glass partitions, but my eyes weren't mistaking the man in the doorway when they zeroed in on the space.

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