37. Gracie

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A knock came from Sutton's door before I managed to get one word out.

The truth was...this was all my own doing.

As quickly as we landed, I went back to my old ways of thinking. The looping thought patterns that had me questioning and overthinking and wondering if I was making the right choices.

Even last night, it took me ten minutes to stop berating myself for leaving with Sutton instead of dealing with my rocky relationship with Jason. Not just that, but how I also left my mother to arrive in the city without me being there to welcome her with open arms.

There was nothing Sutton could say or do that was going to fix it.

I needed to handle it on my own.

Figure out what it was I truly wanted, because yes, I did want to be desired in a way I never have before last week, but now that we were back, I wondered if that was as asinine as I felt collecting myself after coming on Sutton's beautiful, thick lips.

"Jesus Christ," he murmured from beside me, moving toward the door in quick, heavy steps. He wasn't happy about the interruption. It seemed we couldn't get away from them when it came to spending lunch here together.

Not to mention Alicia's call and how Sutton took exactly zero seconds to decide he was putting me before a deal he'd been on the precipice of kick-starting for years. Just the thought of it warmed me. It wrapped around my heart and gave me a bone crushing hug. Until I realized how much he'd regret it later.

Jitters set in as I tucked my hair behind my ears and smoothed a hand over my head. I didn't know what I looked like, but Sutton being between my legs minutes ago had blush creeping up my neck like no tomorrow.

Whoever was on the other side of the door was about to see it. I collected my bag, pulling it up my arm as my legs prepared to flee.

Would it be possible to duck out between Sutton and whoever was bothering us? I would have had to shove them out of the way a little bit, but it was doable.

Sutton blocked his office with the expanse of his chest and broad shoulders. Protecting me no doubt. Giving me privacy after what transpired over the last, I don't know, thirty-five minutes. Our lunch hour was far from over, but it was obvious that it was about to get cut short.

More so when I heard not just one Barrett brother from the hall, but two.

"What the fuck, man?" Breckin's voice came at Sutton like a bullet. Luckily, Sutton wore a bullet-proof vest. It barely phased him.

"We finally nail down the person we need to make shit happen and you decline the call for a goddamn lunch break?" I winced at Emmett's harsh words. My best guess was that he didn't know I was on the other side of the door. Not that it mattered. Sutton always put his business first. They all knew that, which was why they were about ready to break down his door to figure out what the hell was going on.


Emmett cut him off. "Alicia tattled your stupid ass out." A thunk came from the hallway and the door shifted in Sutton's grip a smidge.

"Let us the fuck in," Breckin barked. "We're supervising you calling Teresa back and standing in for the duration of the meeting."

"That way we can be sure you don't fuck us up the ass," Emmett added.

I didn't need to see Sutton's face to know he was clenching his jaw. "Now isn't a good time."

"The fuck it isn't," Breckin and Emmett said in unison. And then it was just Breckin. "Wait a second...you never stand guard at your goddamn office door. What's going on in there?"

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