40. Sutton

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With my phone in my hand, I stepped into my penthouse and slipped off my shoes.

What a fucking day, and it wasn't over yet.

I still wanted to get a hold of Gracie before the night was over. After I showered, if she didn't answer her phone, I'd drive over to her apartment myself.

The kitchen counters were bare and wiped clean. Gregory left his usual note on the fridge with what he had made for dinner. Underneath was a second message, sharing that he restocked the gluten and dairy free donuts in the pantry.

I set my stuff on the counter and pushed the pantry door open. I walked into the expansive space and immediately relaxed over everything being in its place. Gregory liked it that way. It made it easier for him to make my meals, but I enjoyed it as well. Seeing the neat rows of boxes and cans made it easy to pinpoint the container of donuts. They were properly sealed and filled to the brim. From the looks of it, there were various flavors this time.

I cracked it, got a whiff of how fucking good they smelled, and grabbed the chocolate one on top before making it back to my bathroom. It was gone in two and a half bites and brought up more memories of Gracie.

Gracie, Gracie, Gracie.

When the want to sprint back out into the kitchen to grab my phone came over me, I scolded myself—calm the fuck down—and forced myself under the ten-shower heads in my bathroom. Hot water washed over me, loosening my muscles, and before I knew it, I was out, dressed, and wiping the loose droplets of water away from my face.

I couldn't take it another minute.

I had to call her. Had to know if she was doing okay or at least better than she was in my office yesterday. I could have beat my own ass letting her leave the way I did, but my brothers were right. I needed to take a breather and figure out the next step with Teresa before I royally fucked up the deal altogether.

Now that it was under wraps and she agreed to help us, loving our initial plan, I could turn my focus back on Gracie.

Back out in the kitchen, I unlocked my phone and dialed her, bypassing our texting thread altogether. A text message wasn't enough tonight. I needed to hear her. I needed her voice.

The dial tone rang and then, all of a sudden, ringing came from my far left—the living room—what the fuck?

I slowly took a step closer to the 15-person sectional the penthouse came equipped with and spotted a head of blonde hair when the ringing grew louder.

My stomach sank. Fucking fell down three flights of stairs when I rounded the piece of furniture and saw the faraway look in Gracie's eyes.

I never heard the elevator announce her arrival. Probably because I was in the shower, but what the hell did that matter?

She was here and so was I, and fuck, I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and tell her everything would be okay.

"Goldie," I said warily, moving to sit on the coffee table in front of where she sat. Her legs were curled up under her butt and off to the side and her teeth permanently rested on her lower lip like she was deep in thought.

So fucking help me if that piece of shit fucked with her again.

I wouldn't have a problem pulling that file out of my desk and ripping him a new goddamn asshole.

"You want to tell me what's going on?"

Her eyes swept up to me, but I couldn't see the color of them. The living room was too dark. The only light coming in was from the kitchen and the glowing windows of the buildings surrounding mine. Even then there were only one or two. We were way too fucking high up in the air for light pollution to slither its way into my space.

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