7. Gracie

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"I'm telling you," Rosie said around a mouthful of salad, her choppy blonde bangs crowding her forehead. She pointed her plastic fork in my direction and moaned her appreciation. The girl had a serious obsession with lettuce these days and was on the hunt to find the best made salad in the city. Not because she wanted to flatten out her curves, but because she was all about filling her body with the absolute best while also indulging when she wanted to.

Today's takeout involved spring mix, avocado, a mixture of seeds, and shredded chicken. It didn't seem all that great to me, but she said the dressing completed it.

Even claimed it was orgasmic.

I'd take her word for it.

After not finishing my breakfast at Sutton's, I was starved by the time our takeout arrived and I joined Rosie in her office to eat together.

My BBQ lover's wrap, drenched in what was probably my favorite smokey BBQ sauce in the city, hit the spot. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head at the first bite of it, but now, after devouring half of it, I held back the inappropriate mewls that Rosie was unabashedly giving me over her bowl of greens.

"You really need to stop that," I told her, smiling while I did so. Rosie was always like this. Never ashamed over her passions in life. And right now, her passion was that salad.

"What I need to do is figure out what they put in this dressing." She picked up the little container it came in and sniffed. "I'm pretty sure I could smell out at least three of the ingredients in it."

"Alright." I took another bite and spoke around it. "Give 'em to me."

She sniffed the empty container again and dipped her tongue inside of it.

"Ah-ah!" I pointed an accusing finger at her. "Disqualified. You said you could do it by smelling, not tasting."

She rolled her eyes and threw a wadded-up napkin at me. "I had my three before I licked, thank you very much. I just couldn't help myself."


"Oregano, vinegar, and olive oil. There, those are your three."

"Shame we'll never really know if you're actually right."

She stabbed more salad with her fork and nodded. "Shame, indeed. Now..." She paused to wrap her mouth around the lettuce barely hanging on. "Back to what I was saying. Cole was ready to tear out of the apartment this morning and hunt Jason down."

I kept my eyes on my food. Until now, I made it through the morning without having a discussion about him. I figured Rosie would've been waiting at my desk when I came in, but something had her attention all morning. Probably something Blunt Love related.

And the one time Sutton texted me, it had nothing to do with the man I've spent the last year with and everything to do with his brother working on his nerves. Again.

Breckin was like that, though. A total playboy who was handsome and knew it. He used it to his advantage more times than not, and really, it wasn't his fault that it didn't take much for women to drop to their knees and start drooling over him.

The sooner Sutton realized the Barrett's had delicious, twenty out of ten genes, the better off he was.

"What did you have to do?" I asked. "Hogtie him?"

Her eyes went wide, and she pursed her lips. "Honestly, I should've done that. It took twenty minutes of following him around and a little bit of smooching to stop the steam from coming out of his ears."

"I can't believe he's that much of a hothead."

She shook her head. "He's not. Not really, anyway, but I think he feels responsible for Jason's actions since he's the one who introduced the two of you."

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