22. Sutton

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Something shifted on my upper chest, a weight I wasn't aware of when I crawled into bed an hour after Gracie last night. I was purposeful with my timing, knowing that if I climbed in with her, my hands would have wanted to roam to territories they had no right traveling to.

I cracked an eye and looked down. Gracie's dainty arm rested on me, her slim fingers lazily curled under the neckline of my shirt. At home, I would have slept with barely any fabric touching my skin. Here, with her next to me every goddamn night, I couldn't.

We were already treading waters that were scary as fuck. I didn't want to know what pushing deeper would result in. Ever since those moments in the airplane, I wondered what it'd be like if all of this wasn't fake. If there was something more to these games Gracie and I were playing. Because that's what they were.

A gentle groan reverberated up out of her. I stared at the ceiling, my head resting back comfortably on the cloud-like pillows this place had. They were almost better than the ones I owned back in the city. The only thing that triumphed over them was the beautiful woman who claimed the one next to me each night.

"Morning," I rumbled huskily.

Her nails gently scraped along my neck and she stretched them from the hold they had on me. My dick instantly jumped below the covers. He was long since over the hushed moments I kept finding myself in with Gracie. Last night was no different.

She fucking killed it at that dinner with Otis and Marilynn. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. She spoke up when I bit my tongue from lashing out. She explained what I was trying to do so reverently that I wondered if she had been working in my office all this time under my nose.

But no, that wasn't it.

It effortlessly fell from her mouth because she knew me.

She knew me.

And my dick loved that as much as the little morning mewl that came out of her.

She went to pull her arm away from me. I reached out and kept it there, circling my fingers around her wrist so she couldn't easily get away. I wasn't sure how the hell we were going to turn back time and pretend like this trip never happened when we got to the city.

Her hair was draped over her pillowcase. Her eyes were clouded with sleep. "Right back at you, Barrett." She settled on her arm that I kept in place. The second she slid it off me, it'd be time to start the day. I wasn't ready for it. For the snorkeling we were going to do.

Marilynn might have agreed to help me last night, but I didn't trust that Otis would try to pull her away last minute. We had to continue our ruse. Keep up with attending the activities on the itinerary to keep our relationship in good graces.

I just wanted ten more minutes.

She sat up on her opposite elbow and looked down at me. Her lips were still swollen from the sleep that lined them. I wanted to tilt my head up and suck them into my mouth before watching them wrap around my cock.

"Not going to let me get out of bed?"

"Mmm, maybe after another minute or two."

Her eyes sparkled. Her tongue darted out to wet those plump, fuckable lips.

I needed to get my head on straight, but the thing was...she was driving me up a goddamn wall. Watching her strip in that bungalow for our massages yesterday was more than I could handle even though I played it off like it barely affected me.

I was a fucking liar.

I laid on my stomach for the better part of a forty-minute massage with my cock straining for space because it was that goddamn hard over wondering just how wet she had been when she slipped out of that dress and handed her panties over to me.

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