18. Sutton

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My shoulders stiffened. Not because of who I was looking at but because she ruined the moment I was having with Gracie. I had the feeling this wasn't going to be the first time it would happen.

Oh, no.

Now that Taryn knew I wasn't here alone, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting, especially since she seemed to be alone.

My lips stretched into a tight smile, though I was nowhere near happy to see my ex. "Taryn."

Her gaze cut to the person behind me, the woman I was trying to shield from a past life I had no intention of returning to. "You know," said Taryn. "I was always under the impression that you two never had feelings for each other." Her gaze moved back to mine. "At least, that's what you promised me before you proposed to me."

She looked at me as if I had lied to her all that time. As if I secretly had a thing for my best friend but just told her she didn't have anything to worry about.

"You told me there was never anything to worry about."

Irritation zipped through me. "I told you there was never anything to worry about because there wasn't."

Taryn crossed her arms and squared her shoulders. This was typical of her. To manipulate a situation and make herself the victim of it rather than looking at the reason behind why our relationship actually ended.

Her tall, lean body was just as it was the last time I saw her. The only difference now was that her lips were a fraction fuller, and her forehead barely wrinkled when she narrowed her eyes at Gracie.

"Always thought you were little miss goody-goody."

"Taryn." It came out as warning. One that she easily skirted around by continuing to size up my guest.

"Turns out you're no better than the rest of us."

Gracie shifted on her weight beside me, an indent between the middle of her brows when I glanced over my shoulder at her. "I...I don't think this is the time or place for this."

A fake pout took over Taryn's face. "No need to stumble over your words, and whether this is the time or place for it or not, we're about to spend a week at the same resort. And what you're failing to realize is that, once upon a time, I used to be engaged to the man you plan on playing house with for the next week."

Gracie's voice shifted from taken aback to downright cold. "You don't know what you're talking about."

Taryn stepped closer. I put my hand up in front of her, meeting her head on. "Whatever you're going to say. Don't. This doesn't have to be any more difficult than it already is."

Taryn's demeanor completely shifted. Gone was conniving and manipulative Taryn. Sweet and caring took her place. Her face smoothed out. As much as it was able to with the obvious botox she had received since our separation. And her lit up eyes landed on me. "You know what, you're absolutely right." She shook her head, her long hair falling over her shoulders. The top she was wearing was skin-tight, her breasts practically spilling from the low neckline. "I didn't mean for us to get off on the wrong foot. After all, it looks like we'll be staying on the same hillside, doesn't it?"

Working as the CEO of Pure Plate for the past ten years had its advantages, and one of those was making sure my emotion didn't come through on my face. I was stoic. I was a cowboy ready to take on a goddamn bull. Taryn could whip me around as much as she liked, but one thing would remain true. There was no way in hell I'd let her schuck me to the ground and make me eat dirt.

I knew exactly what she was doing, and it was the same thing that concerned me before I agreed to Gracie's deal. I didn't want Taryn digging into Gracie with her sharp claws and pointed fangs.

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