20. Sutton

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After waking up with my extra pillow shoved between Gracie's body and mine, I knew today and the rest of the trip was only going to be tougher. She was already out of bed by the time I kicked the covers off my legs and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Her petite, alluring body was nowhere to be seen, and I was grateful for it after the lesson we had the night before.

My hand pinched the fabric of her robe closed, but my skin flamed with the heat of what I wanted to do, not just with her, but to her. Just thinking about it had me damn near losing it. And all because of that thin strip of smooth skin that was visible when I undid the knot of the belt.

I already knew I shouldn't have done it. Just like there wasn't a solid reason for me gripping her hair on the plane. But this was what she wanted. No, scratch that, she needed this. Gracie needed to feel like she was every bit as attractive as any other woman. She needed to know that there was nothing wrong with her, that she was as desirable as the rest of them.

There was just one problem I faced.

She wasn't as desirable as the rest of them.

She was more desirable than any other woman.

And it was my job to enforce that belief by the end of the week.

The driver pulled up to a row of outdoor bungalows. Clean, white curtains hung from each and rolled in the breeze. I didn't need to look at the itinerary to know what was on the agenda for the day. I had memorized it before we even left Philadelphia, which meant today, we'd be getting massages. And later on, we'd have a gourmet meal under the setting skies of St. Thomas.

I thanked our driver and scooted out of the car. I kept my hand in place, helping Gracie as she got to her feet. I should've been a lot less tense than I was, but the truth was I wasn't. Things between Gracie and I were shifting. I could feel it every time we were in the same space, and while I tried telling myself it was all part of the plan, I was on edge over it. Not because I didn't want to partake but because I did. That realization dawned on me when we were thousands of feet in the sky and her silky hair cut into my palm.

That wasn't entirely it, though.

I hoped the Montgomery's planned on showing up for massages so I could dip my toes in the water and get a few minutes out of them. Jameson warned me not to come on too strong, and with Gracie next to me, I was sure I wouldn't go overboard.

But I wanted this deal done yesterday, and it was working on my goddamn nerves that Taryn was also way too fucking close for pleasure. Even if I had the opportunity to talk to Marilyn, it wasn't unlikely that my ex wouldn't step in and ruin it.

I was a hamster in one of those exercise balls. Free, but not really.

Gracie looped her hand through my arm and stayed at my side. She was wearing a flowy white dress with flowers stitched around the hem. The straps were about as thin as the pink dress she wore to 24K. As much as I wanted to hear her slowed breaths if I slid one down her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her glowing skin, I also wanted her to push her arms through a parka and not take it off for the next year.

There was a scenic trail that circled the bungalows. It dipped down past them and gave a view of a private beach. I edged her toward it, knowing damn well that she wouldn't want to pass up the view. Not when she'd already been completely enamored by the view from the balcony back at the villa.

Gracie took everything in full capacity. By the time we got back to Philadelphia, she'd never forget St. Thomas' beautiful views or what it felt like to be here.

I was thankful that, for once, she chose herself over keeping everyone around her happy. Her mother may have had a fit over it, but she'd have to learn to deal on her own.

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