35. Gracie

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I pulled Sutton and I's subs out of the brown paper bag and set them on opposite sides of the coffee table. He had his office phone pressed to his ear, a serious expression on his face as he talked to the person on the other line.

I was quiet as a mouse, wincing when the bag made a little too much noise. In all likelihood, it probably didn't interrupt Sutton's conversation at all, but I was trying to be considerate since Alicia brought me back despite him still being in the middle of business.

He gave me a small wave when I initially came in and gestured to the couch, mouthing out his apologies.

I waved him off.

He didn't have anything to apologize for. Whether or not we planned a lunch together, he had business affairs to deal with after being gone last week.

I'm sure I wasn't the only person dying to get a little bit of his attention.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled Rosie's business Instagram page. Loreli, the girl who was in charge of it, had done a wonderful job keeping it updated and on brand. I mindlessly scrolled through the newest posts as Sutton's deep voice stretched across the office and beckoned me.


He was devastatingly handsome in a pair of gray slacks and black dress shirt. No tie or suit jacket. It was out of the norm for him, but did he understand just how good looking he was?

My core clenched and I pressed my knees together as I turned down the volume at the side of my phone and started scrolling through the videos on the social medium platform. Nothing really caught my eye. Until a new message lit up the top half of my screen.

My stomach swooped but not in a good way.

Jason hadn't reached out at all yesterday. Probably because he could tell I needed space, which was true. I wasn't completely naive in thinking that he would have stayed celibate during our time apart. I didn't give him much hope of reconciliation before I left for St. Thomas.

Could I really blame him for filling his needs in the meantime?


Because I did the same.

But was it also too much to ask for him to be even a little bit jealous?

I wanted a man who only saw me when he walked in the room. Who would take down anyone and anything to cross the space and wrap me in his arms.

Yet, there I was, basically confessing that Sutton and I had fucked because Taryn opened her big mouth in that elevator. And did he show any amount of hurt or discomfort in knowing that I stepped way out of bounds by sleeping with my best friend?


Not a fucking ounce.

Not that there was anything wrong with being with someone else, but some kind of emotion would have been nice to see.

I blew out a breath and pushed away the uneasy feeling of my stomach swishing. I wasn't entirely hungry, but I'd force down at least half of my sub to save face with Sutton.

I clicked into the message, worrying my lip as I scanned it.

From across the room, Sutton brought his call to a close.

Jason: Can we talk? I'd really like to clear up any misunderstandings from our conversation yesterday.

I wasn't exactly in the talking mood.

It was becoming more and more evident that the relationship Jason and I had wasn't coming back. Not that I necessarily wanted that, but I sure as hell knew what I didn't want.

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