28. Sutton

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A cramp worked into my calf, and I slowed down. After not being able to get back to sleep early this morning, I got out of bed and decided to go for a run. I would have preferred to roll Gracie over and have my way with her, but it was going to be a long day. I didn't want to tire her out before the day started. Nor could we hole up in the villa for the day when I needed to check in with Marilyn and Otis.

I wanted to make sure we were still in agreement. That Otis hadn't convinced Marilyn not to work with us after all. She was the reason I was on this trip, but I would have been lying if I said that Gracie hadn't stolen all of my thoughts. Filled all the free space.

Crossing those lines with her and getting physical...

Yeah, it was fucking wrecking me.

As soon as I pulled out of her last night, I wanted it all over again. When we crawled in bed, her murmuring how she'd forgiven me, I wanted to push her down and let her suck me off. All it took was one time for oral sex with her to become my absolute favorite thing. Aside from fucking her, that was.

I could get used to her warmth.

Her sweet pussy lips that grazed my shaft with each thrust.

The way they looked like a goddamn desert from behind.

How my palm made the perfect red imprint on her ass.

Yeah, I was royally fucked.

Taking one day at a time was all I could handle right now because if I went back to work without Marilyn's blessing and help, my brothers would tear me a new one. And they'd start with Gracie, inquiring exactly how well we got to know each other when I should've had my focus elsewhere.

Breckin was the only one who knew her side of the deal, but I had no doubts he hadn't already told Elliott and Jameson by now.

They'd be smirking at me by the time I was back behind my desk. So, yeah, I had to go back with something, and that was my priority for the day. Outside of ogling Gracie as much as I could, of course.

A sound startled me from behind, and before I knew what was happening, a hand came down on my ass and slapped me hard. My basketball shorts did little to protect me from the assault but they were light and breezy enough for the hot weather.

"Looking good, babe," came out of Taryn's mouth when she slowed to a stop beside me. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and her breasts nearly toppled out of her sports bra.

I blinked at her, unsure of what to say, but settled on. "Keep your hands to yourself, Taryn."

She smirked, not at all bogged down by the early morning hour or the humidity that lingered in the air already. "There was a time you used to beg me not to do that."

She was right.

There was.

Those times were long gone, replaced with the betrayal of her cheating ways and greedy heart.

When I didn't crack a smile or laugh, she continued. "Oh, come on. I can't even joke with you?"

"Slapping my ass isn't exactly a joke. It's assault."

She rolled her eyes, acting as if it was no big deal. I didn't want her hands anywhere on or near me. "Okay, fine, I'm sorry, okay? I will keep my hands to myself until you're ready for them again."

If I weren't already annoyed that she was talking to me, I would have laughed. "We both know that's never going to happen again."

"Do we?"

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