33. Sutton

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I had never been this fucking restless in my life.

Spending a week with Gracie and then waking up this morning without her legs wrapped around mine or the raspy, "Good morning," she gave me every day in St. Thomas was like a constant flick to my ear—always there and irritating as hell.

An annoyance so persistent that I actually kept swiping my hand over the back of my head to get the sensation to go away.

It didn't.

It followed me around my penthouse.

Sat next to me while I ate breakfast.

And now, it lounged on the couch in my office across from me. A strained sigh came out of me when I glanced outside and saw the wide expanse of clouds across the city. It matched how I felt inside.

Sad and pathetic.

Because I wanted more from the little deal Gracie and I concocted. What came of it didn't matter so much anymore. Just that I wanted her, so goddamn desperately that I felt it with every pump of my heart.

She was hard to shake.

Her smile.

Her life.

Her sweet, pretty pussy that stroked my cock last night.

The way her inner lips parted perfectly for me and dragged up the sides of my cock.

How it took seconds to see her cum spread out over my length.

I wanted to lick up every drop of her and never stop.

There was just one problem.

I wasn't sure how to tell her without her spiraling. Without making her feel a certain way about being home and getting the closure she needed from Jason. Whenever I found a moment in the day, I prayed to fucking God she didn't get back with him. That he couldn't smooth talk his way back into her life. I still had the folder of intel Benny gave me. It was deep in the bottom of one of my desk drawers because I didn't trust myself not to intervene if there was incriminating evidence inside of it.

I knew how to keep calm and assess shit with rationality. I'd done it my entire life, especially when it came to Pure Foods. It wasn't always easy—in this case, extremely fucking difficult—but the only thing worse than this hell was fighting with Gracie.

Or losing her altogether because I couldn't keep my cool.

I picked up my phone, toying with the idea of messaging her.

I set it back down, rested my elbows on my desk, and brushed my hands over my face.

What the fuck was happening to me?

I was losing it for my best friend.

And she had no goddamn idea.

My door sprang open in the next second without a knock. Breckin's charming grin met me across the room as he stuffed his hands into his windbreaker and nodded his head toward the door. He wasn't dressed for the office, but that was expected since it was Sunday.

"Get the fuck up and let's go," he demanded.

"Go away, Breckin."

I was pulled taut, the thread that held me together so thin it wouldn't take much for it to snap completely. If he pestered me enough, he'd be at the receiving end of my lashing out.

I could be a miserable prick when I wanted to be.

"It's Sunday." He said it like I didn't already know. "We're going to the club for a game of basketball."

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