29. Gracie

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The sunset reflected off the water, painting the ocean in beautiful shades of pink and orange as the tip of the yacht sliced the water in half. Sutton's body caged me in against the railing, and I leaned into him.

"I can't believe this is it."

He brought his glass to his lips and sipped. By the looks of the golden liquid, he was enjoying his usual. Whisky. I had just finished a glass of wine and wasn't ready for more. I was sad, knowing we'd be packing up and heading back to Philadelphia the next day.

Our time on the island felt short lived, and while yesterday was packed with a beautiful hike and magnificent views I'd never forget, it still felt like it wasn't enough.

When I expected a reply from the man behind me, lips pressed to the side of my neck and I grinned.

"We can stay for as long as you want. I'll buy the entire fucking island for you, Goldie."

I giggled at that, pushing away his seriousness. "My mom would have a fit if I didn't come back after promising I'd be there."

"This is what I love about you," he murmured close to my ear. Shivers swept down my body. "You care. You always have and you always will."

I did, but sometimes it got me in trouble. Being in St. Thomas with Sutton taught me that it was okay to put my needs in front of others'. That it was okay to be selfish when I needed to be. That only ever pleasing other people would push me into a corner that would leave me miserable and unfulfilled.

I twisted on my heel, moving so my back was against the railing and instead of seeing the sunset, I saw him. The corner of his lip was twisted into a smirk and he had that look in his eye. The same one he had last night when he held my hair in one hand and spanked me with the other.

I was sopping wet by the time he slid into me because of it.

How had I been so lucky to spend a week away with this man?

"You're fucking gorgeous."

I licked my lips, loving the way his voice made my stomach feel all nervous. Like I was in high school again and my crush waved at me.

"You're not so bad yourself," I told him.

His hand landed on my waist, moving around to the small of my back and dipping down to squeeze my ass. "I want you out of this."

I glanced down at my dress. Tiny green flowers printed over a beige background. It hugged my waist but flowed freely down my legs. "As much as I'd love to feel you right now," I began. "It wouldn't exactly be smart. Marilyn and Otis are within view."

After expressing his concern the other day, we hiked with them up to Mountain Top before breaking apart to go separate ways. Sutton felt a lot better after Otis asked about his childhood allergies, even though he still managed to find ways to make digs at him. Things had been normal with them, and Sutton wasn't as worried about it falling through. In fact, Marilyn said she had already contacted the person, a woman named Glenda, Sutton needed an in with, and that he should expect to hear from her the week after getting back to the city.

It was almost too easy, but I wasn't questioning it because sometimes it was nice for things to move along without pause instead of having to shove them forward.

Which meant that the remainder of our time revolved around us.

Still, I wasn't going to let Sutton defile me in front of them.

"I don't care," he grumbled, resting his drink on the railing and stealing my lips in a kiss. He was so smooth about it. His lips were full and the light stubble on his face scratched against me. His tongue slid into my mouth, tasting a lot like the alcohol he was drinking, but I didn't mind.

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