Archie's Letter

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Archie's Letter

To my dearest Nadia,

I don't know when you'll find this letter, but I know that you'll eventually find this—probably when you're packing your things for your move to Malacañang. I know you don't like it when someone touches your things, so I know that you'll find this letter on your own.

Congratulations, my Nadia.

You deserve it more than anyone.

If I were right, you'll read this letter when my death is still new. You're still mourning. I know you still are. You do love me. I know that. But I also know that you hate me—understandably so.

I fucked up a lot. I didn't know how to love someone like you—you are bigger than life itself. Sometimes, at night, when you're sleeping, I just stare at you and wonder what you saw in me. Because you still chose me. Among all the men you knew, you chose me.

It baffled me.

And scared me.

And made me insecure.

Because you are... you.

Nadia fucking de Marco—the love of my fucking life.

I'm not saying this to blame you. I am well-aware that it is my fault. I fucked up a lot and over and over again. It's on me. It's my fault. My actions were a reflection of my insecurity.

I'm so sorry that I was not there when you lost our baby. I will never forgive myself for that, Nadia. Never.

I will never ask you to love Atticus. I know it hurts to look at him because he's a constant reminder of my betrayal. I will never ask that of you, but please just look after him. You don't have to love him, but please make sure that he's going to be fine. I love that kid. He's not to blame for me fucking up. And I know that you're gonna ship him abroad as soon as he's old enough. I understand. Just... if you can... at least let him spend the holidays with you. Please do that for me.

You're probably wondering why I am writing this letter and how did I know that I'll die. I knew it because I know you. It was when we were going through couple's therapy that I knew that we're never going to work out again. We're just too broken to be fixed.

And then you changed your name.

I knew you sometimes think of me as an idiot, but baby, I still studied the law. I knew why you changed your name. Right there and then, I knew what my fate's gonna be. You said that there will be a President Gallego in Malacañang—I knew that it was not gonna be me.

I know you talk a lot about selling the islands, but I know for a fact that you never will. You care about the legacy that you will leave. I have complete trust that you will make a great president.

Enjoy Malacañang, President Nadia Gallego.

I forgive you.

And I love you, too.

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