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"Guess who's back!!"

Izumi quickly got up from her bed at the sudden disturbance.
She looked around confused for a moment and suddenly realized the kind of dream she had.

"I told you not to wake her up" Nanami sighed at his sheepish friend and patted Izumi's head. "Since you're awake get ready for breakfast,we'll meet you there hmm.." He walked towards the door waiting for Yu to join him.

"Zumi are you okay?" Yu said looking at the sleepy girl.

"I'm fine Yu-kun. When did you come back?" she smiled after snapping out of it.

" I came back just now actually! Nanami said you were out cold after you exhausted yourself during practice"

Now that she remembered what had happened, it all made sense why everything was so.. so..urgh..Her cliché books were influencing her sense of morals!!she cupped her cheeks with a slap, embarrassed on having such thoughts about her upperclassman.

"Are you reeaaally okay?? I shouldn't have woken you up. I'm sorry izumi-chan" She felt bad for making Yu feel guilty. But before she could say anything Nanami beat her to it.
"Don't worry about that. Her pea sized brain is just reloading"

"Waahh kento- kun you're being so mean to me and i haven't even gotten out of my bed" her words fell on deaf ears as the guys walked out.

Izumi sighed and went to freshen up. After that she went to her usual spot on the table with the others.

As they were eating the second years came and Izumi had a hard time facing one particular boy.

Geto greeted her among the others and she smiled back how she normally would.
'Keep it together zumi. It was your dream!!and he can't see it. He would never act like that'.

They were now in the basketball court.The guys were showing of their skills since they were good. If Izumi hadn't set her eyes already on someone, she would definitely be fangirling over Gojo Satoru.

Geto glaced towards the girl who was trying to twirl a basketball on her finger failing to do so. A smile came on his lips, but that was a major distraction as Gojo scored another basket.

"I think I'd love it if you get distracted more often during our games" Gojo smirked at him

Geto looked away from the girl who was now successful in twirling the ball for 5 seconds."In your dreams Satoru. You just caught me Off-guard"

Gojo just scoffed at that "Yeah right. I'm rooting for you, you know....I've seen the way you look at her..but heyy don't go all sappy on me.. "

"Thank you satoru"Geto just smiled and took the ball from him and ran up to make another basket.

" Himura-san!! We quickly need your assistance with the injured students. Shoko-san can't do it alone" one of the staffs came hurriedly.

Izumi quickly went to the medical wing and she wasn't prepared for the sight in front of her.

About 7-8 injured people were laying on the beds with shoko Ieri healing one of the critical ones. Among them were the strongest sorcers. Even though their injuries weren't bad they needed treatment. They asked to be treated later after the injured civilians from their mission. Hopefully no one died.

Though her ability wasn't much useful like shoko's, Izumi could at least heal wounds for now.

Finally they began to treat the two shamans, who were holding up pretty well.

She went to Geto to examine his wounds. From the outside point of view he was fine. But as she looked further he surely wasn't.

She carefully removed his coat and saw a thick line of wound on his shoulder. She has seen all this before... But this time seeing him hurt pricked something in her. She held her breath and softly placed her hands there and looked at him.

He never took his eyes of her; taking in every emotion that was visible on her face."Hey....I'm fine.." he softly smiled and she nodded.

Her hands began to glow a soft green and she watched as his wounds began to heal. She repeated this on his several wounds and scratches finally placing her hands on the side of his cheek were a line of blood was seen on the scratch.

He closed his eyes and leaned into her palm unknowingly. She blushed lightly realizing how the tender moment can be misinterpreted from an outside perspective.

She wanted to ask how this happened. The duo who were so unbeatable were now injured along with a few bystanders.But it wasn't the time for that.

She slowly took her hand back but was quickly stopped by a hand on top of hers. Geto realised what he did and quickly let go, turning his head away to hide his rosy tinted cheeks.
"Thank you Himura-san"

"It's alright senpai".
She too was a bit flustered and started moving towards Gojo who was being treated by shoko.

"Izumi-chan! Won't you tend to your handsome senpai tooo! I'm dyinggg!" Gojo exclaimed hands waving.

"Shut up idiot. You only have a few cuts. And we're both drained now" Shoko looked towards Izumi as she weakly walked towards them.

"Are you alright Gojo-san?" she looked at him and needless to say he was more than okay. Geto joined them, suddenly full of energy from Izumi's healing.

"You need to rest Himura-san. Your ability seems to take more of your energy than shoko's reversed curse technique " Izumi nodded at that and left after glancing at Geto once more.

Geto was worried for her but he needs to take care of the things that went down today. Suddenly he felt a shove towards her direction.

"Just go for it suguru. I'll take care of everything. I have shoko with me" Gojo waved off his friend and dragged the short haired girl with him.
"Hahh why should i be dragged into this??"

Geto gave a greatful nod and went to find his girl. He found her leaning against a pillar resting a bit.

"Need help?" She jolted up at the voice and turned towards him.He walked next to her in order to catch her if things went sideways.

"Sugu- i mean Geto-san.. I'm fine, just a bit tired. I'm not used to do it for so many people, that's why.. "

He secretly smiled at her correction and was curious about her healing.
"How are you able to heal without reversed curse energy? I haven't heard it before"

Hearing his words she remembered them having this same conversation in her dream.
"This is just a blessing passed down my family. My ancestors have always worshipped nature and it is believed that the nature was enlightened by the devotion and blessed us"

"Hmm.. You are a blessing indeed" He was mumbled slightly to himself but Izumi's eyes widened hearing that and her heart picked up its pace.

There was an awkward silence as they reached her room. "Please come in" She showed him inside her room and carefully walked towards her bed to sit.

She had a fluffy rug in her room that she always tripped on but couldn't throw it away. she prayed to god not to trip in front of him. That would be beyond embarrassing.

Luckily she didn't trip and was saved. But it was too good to be true as Geto tripped behind her and both of them fell on the bed...


I swear i have these cliché storylines as dreams and when i wake up i cringe at myself >_<


Thank you for reading<3

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